Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A few words on Weinergate.

First, I'm sorry to admit that the man's name makes it difficult to write about events without bogging down in the well-nigh infinite joke possibilities. For instance, who didn't watch that tearful press conference and think "Oh, harden up, Weiner!"

I also notice that before said press conference, loyal supporters such as Barbara Walters were reduced to spluttering "Bu-bu-but... Sarah Palin!", as if this were some kind of coherent rebuttal in defense of a cocky, lying jackass with Weiner control problems.

But that still wasn't enough to make me want to write about it.

What made me want to write about it was the headline I saw this morning: "Congressman Weiner: Did Twitter Make Sexting Too Easy?" Really, Weiner-man? Really? Caught out in a bald-faced lie in public; busted in flagrante, as it were, delicto; and all you've got is a 21st Century equivalent of "The devil made me do it!"?

Do you not understand that it's not your digitalized trouser snake handling that America is bent out of shape about now, but rather the utter lack of judgment, sneering denials, Münchhausen-esque fabulations, crocodile-teared faux apology, and pouting refusal to give up the perks of office? Quit trying to blame your drunken-frat-rat-level risk assessment skills on your telephone, although it's obvious by now that it was the brains of the operation.

All I can think now is that it's a shame Twitter is such a new technology; if it had been around a little longer, Bill Clinton would be a disgraced ex-governor of Arkansas and nobody would have ever heard the name "Kennedy".


Bob said...

It'd be wonderful, wouldn't it, if one of Weiner's colleagues got up on the floor of the House of Representatives and offered a resolution that, because of the embarrassment and sniggering that Weiner's name invariably invokes, that it should be formally changed to...Biggus Dickus.

Tam said...

He wanks as high as any in Wome!

og said...

yeah, back in the day, you had to actually take your dick out and show it to someone, none of this high tech crap. And you ran the risk of having it- or your face- smacked. You don't think it was alcohol alone that made old teddy so ruddy.

genedunn said...

The tone of the article actually makes it sound like his mistake wasn't, you know, sending a pic of his unit to a young woman, it was accidentally sending it to EVERYONE that follows him. The article focuses on how easy it is for actions thought private to become public... as if he had just walked up to her door, rang the bell, and wiggled his member at her, that would have been OK!

atlharp said...

He makes Charlie Sheen look like Cicero. Every time I have ever seen the man on TV it has been in the commission of some type of meltdown only matched by Barney Frank on a ferry to Fire Island. What is it about New York that they have to find the absolutely gutter of humanity to represent them in Congress? What's next Alec Baldwin as Mayor of NYC? Oh wait.....

TJIC said...

"digitalized trouser snake "


Anonymous said...

loyal supporters such as Barbara Walters were reduced to spluttering "Bu-bu-but... Sarah Palin!",

This sort of cements my theory of Sarah Palin taking W's place as the Emmanuel Goldstein of the left.

BobG said...

I'm surprised nobody blamed it on Bush.

Joe in PNG said...

I'm rather amused that this is also another case of "It's Okay When We Do It!TM"- Appearently, since Screech isn't a family values guy, he's allowed to send pix of his Boxer Bratwurst to College Girls.

Anonymous said...

The Palin effect is just amazing. That woman really has the ability to inspire true hate to the point where people are so eager to "gotcha!" her that they utterly disregard all else.

"Is it too outrageous to ask why this little girl [Piper Palin] is not in school, rather than acting as a media bouncer for her mother on a publicity/campaign tour? Update: because school in Alaska is now out for the summer. My bad."--Andrew Sullivan,, June 1

Ken said...

"Drunken frat-rat" crystallizes it pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Jerry Pournelle, of all people, has said that the whole affair leaves him unable to shake the mental image of a House session on a hot afternoon, in which the Speaker says, "The Chair recognizes Mr... (long pause) Weiner..."

Moogie P said...

So spot freaking' on. My favorite bon mot to emerge from this kerfuffle of Mendacity is Pelosi's statement that the decision whether to resign from Congress should remain with "the Member." I think it did.

RM1(SS) (ret) said...

I assume from your comments (I don't pay attention to radio or TV news broadcasts, and have thus never heard it spoken) that this man doesn't pronounce his name as it is spelt?

Anonymous said...

Rep. Weiner to Run for President

Breaking News!
Congressman Anthony Weiner just announced he will run for President and has selected Attorney General Eric Holder as his Vice-Presidential running mate. Weiner-Holder in 2012.

wv= copurfa, make of it what you will