Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tab Clearing...

  • Holy cow, I found the nexus of crazy on the internets. Falling down that rabbit hole sucked hours out of my day; hours I'll never get back...

  • The Blame Game that happens after some whack job's cheese slides right off his cracker is both amusing and a little frightening. If someone had smoked Dubya, would the media pack be baying on the trail of Gabriel Range? Are they just bitter that, no matter how much incitement they sowed, not one nutter stepped up to the challenge?


ToddG said...

re: the CNN link...

When a couple dozen radical Muslims killed thousands of people on 9/11, we were told "Don't blame all Muslims, blame the evil men who participated in this evil act."

When one WASP kills 90 people in Norway, though, it's "the conservative right's fault!"

og said...

David Icke,


Nexus, hell, it's the epicenter.

Old NFO said...

Agree with Todd, and that Icke rabbit hole? I'll pass...

global village idiot said...

Seems like I and my fraternal Brethren have a lifetime rent-free lease inside these peoples' heads. Nice to see we're still so highly thought of.


atlharp said...

That Icke is a like a Potpourri of the absurd. I believe he has more jars of urine in storage than Art Bell's fan club!

Frank W. James said...

Re: the Nexus of Crazy, How DO you find this stuff?...

All The Best,
Frank W. James

45er said...

Thanks for that. Now, I feel like I need a bath and a history delete.

Joseph said...

If you're collecting deranged websites...

Cybrludite said...

I wonder what it says about me that I knew who Icke is without having to follow that link. O_o

J. Sullivan said...

First damn comment I read at David Icke:

"well I am not sure where you are going with this but let me just say that man's sexual frustrations are a direct result of the control matrix that the Reptilians set up. "


Tam said...


It disturbs me that there are enough people that take him seriously that they have their own discussion forum.

Anonymous said...

It ain't real tricky; Icke's icky.

As far as the Islamic problem in Europe, the demographers say that the "takeover" is but a matter of time and birthrates. And I have a bit of a problem with this "honor killing" stuff, myownself...

Shrimp said...

Joseph, that hurt my brain.

I had thought I had a winner on the stupid scale when I found this guy...
...but that one is the clear winner with both the stupid and the crazy.

Tim Ellwood said...

If you want the clearinghouse of all things strange,
From far right to way off the left, cemtrails to Roswell, hard news to good tidings from Alpha Centuri,that site has it all!

NotClauswitz said...

It's all been said already, and disturbingly. Icke is like the gross Cthulhu of...something. Jackie did it?

Anonymous said...

According to the murderer's manifesto, he wrote that it might be useful to team up with fundamentalist muslims to further his murder. That and the fact that he didn't seem to go after muslims during his murder spree puts him at odds with the lamestream media reports: "he read blogs then wanted to murder muslims!"

Michael Bane said...

Damn you, Tam! That website is a serious time-suck...makes me feel better though, as I am clearly not nearly as crazy as some people keep telling me I am!

Michael B

Anonymous said...

What a Nest 'O Nutters - and I thought that some of the folks who used to write letters to the Editor at the old Mother Earth News were operating well out beyond the bleeding far edge of unreality...

My mistake, actually reading some of that stuff over there. Gonna take a long while to solidify some of the brain-cells that liquefied - and I think some of them are gone forever.

Kristophr said...

The chemtrail crowd is especially tastey.

I like their video tapes of suspicious rainbows appearing in sprinkler streams.