I just got back from my mini-vacation in Nashville, and guess what was waiting in the mailbox?
Very, very cool. Thank you, Knoxville PD and Captain X, for your professional response and for this very happy ending. Who says that the intarw3bz don't change the way the world works? Just a very few years ago there would have been no way to communicate the error, much less get it fixed outside of a courtroom.
Well, very good. Glad that got sorted out with the minimum of fuss and help from friends in high places.
Now, the new question is how easy will it be to get the County Clerk's error fixed in regards to the tag?
Id take a look at your registration papers. Even money your registrations says **2K**, and some clerk started handing plates to people out of order at the clerks office...
Mischief managed. Well done!
See? The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
snubgwj! (Sounds like a directive...)
About the only way to get a response from gov't is to embarrass them. Glad it worked out for you.
I bought a trailer brand new in 1999 and duly registered it. About four years later I was renewing the license and the county insisted that I had sold the trailer, which I had not. I asked them why I would want to purchase a tag that I didn't need, nor want, in the first place for a vehicle I didn't own. The logic was beyond their comprehension. The matter was only resolved when I went home and physically brought the trailer to the tag office to prove that I still owned it.
I like the very professional way he phrased: "Dudette, somebody at the clerk's office pulled a boner. You need to get on the horn with them pronto and unf$ck your tag situation."
Er, at least, that's probably what I would have typed. I'm all about the customer service. :)
That's great, now when can we expect the letter that says "because you have shown the world that we don't actually look to see that there's a violation before issuing a ticket, we have made changes to our procedures... bla bla..."?
I hope you didn't redact the original via Sharpe, I would think such things would be useful in a constitutional challenge of the whole money-camera thingy.
"I hope you didn't redact the original via Sharpe"
Hellz no! I'm framing it!
Why is it her responsibility to fix the fuggup at the County Clerk's office? "I would strongly urge you to contact your County Clerk's office and get this matter with your license plate corrected."
Yes, Tam has a vested interest in seeing it fixed. But it's not her fuggup, Barney Fife there could just as easily shot an email or letter over from the PD to the County Clerk's office, using channels Tam wouldn't have at disposal and not taking her time or gasoline.
You can't drop it now, kid. Keep at 'em.
If your registration actually shows that you are supposed to have that other plate and the one on your car isn't yours...
Go run that light with your own car now and really mess with 'em.
So ... some poor schmuck in a PU is going to get pulled over for stolen plates? Ones that the DMV handed him?
Good lord.
Heh...yeah, I'm wondering how easy the "error" in the clerk's office is going to be fixed...
Although that's really good that you didn't have to worry about any messy court BS with the stupid camera.
Now you have to go fix some screw up by a County clerk ?
Give me a break.
COUNTY clerk?!! How odd. Here in Kalipornia, it's all run directly by the state. Must be a dozen offices in this county alone. BTW, Our DMV is supposed to be the biggest govt dept in the nation. It's a model of (in)efficiency. I believe all other depts aspire to emulate it.(oh joy)
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