Saturday, January 02, 2010

Oh. Emm. Gee.

What is it about an internet connection that brings out the special kind of crazy in people?

I mean, all you have to do is link to this person's page, and she sends you spittle-flecked emails threatening to sic a platoon of trained attack lawyers on you.

Has anyone explained to her how the intertubes work?

I mean, why not tape a giant "troll me" sign to your back?

Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice.... Beetlejuice!


Will Brown said...

You need a job, girl.

'Till then, promise you'll always get into these naked snot-slinging go 'rounds in public like this.


w/v: colon

No shit.

The_Betty said...


Thank you for the links. I can use all the hits I can get. But calling up Beetlejuice! She's driving me nuts!!!! I guess I'll have 10 emails now pleading with me to cease and desist.

I laughed for 10-minutes and linked to your page. Thank you - you've made my day! I'm on blogspot too! I'll be checking back.

BTW, unemployed? You're doing the right thing - enjoy life! You've only got one.

Will Brown said...


Tam's a writer; I'm just giving her a hard time.

perlhaqr said...

The crazy is strong with that one

Jeffro said...

Stirrin' the pot? Snork!

Owen said...

Somehow, I'm thinking this is some sort of reverse psychology to get lots of people to link her

Divemedic said...

I spotted the problem, she has "PhD" after her name.

WV: pikersiv: Is that anything like subversive, but with pikers?

Anonymous said...

"I’m an Ivy League-educated Ph.D. cultural historian..."

Ah, so: First major problem.

"...and the author of over 3,000 magazine articles."

If her articles are as inarticulate as her blog-writing, one can but wonder how she was ever published.


Rob K said...

She won a contest for driving visits to her site? I'm with Owen.

Justthisguy said...

Tam, do you have an Encyclopaedia Dramatica account? I mean, the Brandt woman seriously needs an article about her there. I'd try it myself, but am afraid I'd get mercilessly mocked and end up with an article about me.