Saturday, January 02, 2010

Just in case you needed to know... to stack arms.

I know it was pretty easy to do with the '03, '03A3, and 1917, but now that the '03A3 is gone, I haven't checked to see how well any of the other available choices work as the third leg of the tripod. I guess I have some experimenting to do tomorrow...


og said...

The more's the merrier. Partner (You met Partner) has quite the collection, and I've posted some pics too.

WV: Progie. I'll have three, please. Two cheese and a blueberry. And some sour cream please.

sam said...

I was lurned (sic) on the M1 Garand. You and two buddies can stack three pretty quick, with practice. Adding a fourth was trickier, as I recall.

Oh, and when you un-stack, letting one or more rifles hit the dirt was, to use a technical term, bad.

Especially at the bayonet assault course.

Anonymous said...

I recall learning to stack arms with the M-16 back in the mid 1980's. I don't recall specifics, but think that it involved placing the barrels of two rifles through the top loop of the sling on a third from opposite sides?

global village idiot said...

Anonymous is correct and it's still taught that way if the kids are to be believed. When I tell them to stack arms, they still know how to do it.

Yet nowadays, and particularly if on deployment and one among your number has a machinegun, it's thought more expedient (if the condition of the ground permits it) to simply lay the machinegun down and lay the rifles across the barrel in a VERY low stack, no attempt being made at orderliness or proper arrangement. That the things be kept ever-so-slightly up from horizontal is merely the thing.


WV: desse

Carteach said...

And still, I am not too old to learn.

Drang said...

Anon & GVI are correct. It takes some practicing to get the hang of getting the top loop of the sling "just right" for the base of the stack, but when (s)he knows how to do it, you can get an entire squad's M16s into a stack.

That was before SAWs, and M4s. M203s make things awkward, too.

MauserMedic said...

You can indeed stack a squad's worth of M16s (at least the A1 and A2s) although it leads to quite the cluster when it's time to unstack them.

Justthisguy said...

My God! Tam deigned to notice The Donovan!

Dogs and cats living together ain't in it!

Now, if I could just get him to take notice of _you_.

I do want people I like to like each other.

Rick R. said...

Ah, yes, the "stacking swivel" (as in, "If you don't square yourself away, troop, I'll yank you up by teh stacking swivel and shake the stupid out of you!"

In Britspeak, the "piling swivel", most of which were removed from SMLE and No4 MkI rifles round about WWII, apparantly. . .