Saturday, January 02, 2010


From Krauthammer:
More jarring still were Obama’s references to the terrorist as a “suspect” who “allegedly tried to ignite an explosive device.” You can hear the echo of FDR: “Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — Japanese naval and air force suspects allegedly bombed Pearl Harbor.”

This ties neatly into a post at Old Grouch's place I read this morning...

As I keep saying: We are fundamentally unserious.


Joseph said...

The way Obama is treating these instances of terrorism simply doesn't make me laugh no matter how much snark you pile onto it.

It is past time that we all see how serious this situation is before it is far too late to do anything about it.

Yes, I've lost my sense of humor, it must have been when Americans sat idle while representatives gave a trillion to the bankers, more to fat, lazy auto workers and their ilk and started treating terrorists like misbehaving 5 year olds.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Obama as president on 9/11.

"4 planes may have, or may not have been allegedly hijacked, and some of them may have, or may not have been allegedly crashed into the trade centers and the pentagon, and until further investigation, I may, or may not have allegedly been aware of the alleged attack."

Tam said...

"...19 alleged isolated extremists..."

Anonymous said...

I believe the British use the term Islamic Activist.

Noah D said...

As mentioned other places, there's more benefit of the doubt for a guy trying to blow up an airliner full of people than a cop trying to figure out who's who at a potential break-in.