- If he charges into burning buses in his free time, can you imagine what he's like when he's on duty?
- The meme that won't die: Ma & Pa Kettle are going to put down their Tea Party signs, pick up their Kalashnikovs, and "make common cause with" Al Qaeda to overthrow the government. Seriously? Dude, what color is the sky in your world? "zomg! The racist militia is coming!" Look, pal, if your team hadn't passed the ADA, then they wouldn't be able to get their L'il Rascals up the stairs into the National Guard armory and we'd have nothing to worry about on that front.
- $insert_superlative_here photographer Robert Langham has a book out on photography that's not about f-stops and shutter speeds but about, you know, pictures, and how to take them good. (Plus, he once called me "one of the best bad photographers I know", which was sweet of him, actually.)
- The toilet paper of the future will be colorful, at least.
- Monster Hunter Alpha
rocked so, so hard. If you haven't read it yet, you're missing out.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tab Clearing...
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MHA is the best Larry Correia's written yet.
If he keeps this up, Jim Butcher is going to have to watch his back!
Now, back to the newest Dresden Files book...
He said "evangelical Christian control of the Republican party"! Damn, that's funny. STOP IT, FRANK, YOU'RE KILLING ME!
Plus he seems to have some real Daddy issues.
Plus he missed the part where ABB said he wasn't really religious, just, you know, culturally Christian. WAHAHAHA. Ha ha. Hah. Heh. Wheeeeeee.
I'm Tammed! And it really is a simple, helpful book. Like a crescent wrench: Easy to use by beginners and pros.
I'm clicking all your ads right NOW!
Off topic, but I have a Ma n'Pa joke: Ma n'Pa went to market one day, and left Jack and Jenny home alone. It were a turrible hot day, so Jenny took off'n her dress an' lay down on the floor, 'cause there were a breeze blowin' up 'tween the slats. Jack thought that was a fine idea, so he did likewise. Afore ya know it, they were doin' what comes unnatural... Jenny looked up at Jack an' said, "Jack, yore a sight bigger'n Pa, better too!"
Jack just said, "Aw shucks Jenny, that's what Ma always says."
wv: purgrod, must mean something...
Damn! I ordered MHA weeks ago. No sign of it yet.
Comparable to Butcher's work...
But with more guns I guess.
Hmm... sounds attractive.
Still.. I've got one more book to read from the famous 'Knights who say Fuck' series.
Still have not been talked into reading the Monster Hunter stuff.
I see it on so many blogs with OMG!!1eleventy! praise that it is just completely oversold to me.
Like the youtube videos that are supposed to leave me laughing really hard and barely even crack a smile.
Read the book and you'll ascend to a higher plane. Best book evah! Incredibblebble!!1!
So don't. It's a free country.
Quite a shame I've seen mention of the book on a dozen blogs, but no one has anything to say about the content of the book. Just gratuitous hyperbole.
Picked up both MHA and the latest Dresden Files at the same time.
I actually flipped a coin to decide which to read first.
Sorry Larry, I love your work but random chance put you second in line. Reading just as fast as being a responsible, employed adult allows.
"Quite a shame I've seen mention of the book on a dozen blogs, but no one has anything to say about the content of the book. Just gratuitous hyperbole."
Gosh, North, I'm sorry 'bout that. I'll try to do better.
In the meantime, there are some reviews of it at actual book review sites. Larry has linked to them at his blog in the past.
I noticed that nobody was saying much about the book with any depth before I came here. I guess you were the last straw. Your "tab cleaning" just ended with all of the review of the book that the book deserves. *shrug*
Glad you enjoyed the book.
A) I finished MHA before you did, because I used my Kindle, nyanyanyanya! I will be asking a certain lady at the NorthEast Blogshoot next weekend about how she got into the book, though.
B) I'd say something about Alternet, but I don't argue with the Crazies on the Corner.
C) Burning Buses? Remember the Ad the Army used to run about getting more done before 9:00 AM than most people do all day? He's one of the reasons that happens.
D) Photography: Beyond my Capabilities, I'll take your word for it.
E) That's why I'm buying cheap food today, so I can have a use for those dollars tomorrow.
Re: meme won't die.
Tam, you don't understand. The Democrats are pushing this theme on purpose. They are terrified of the real TEA Party. Their only strategy is to redefine the TEA Party as dangerous extremists and terrorists so that the independant voters will be scared of being identified as such.
This is a purposeful PR campaign from the Democratic party. You'll see this repeated a lot.
RE: North
if you like sci fi and fantasy you will probably enjoy the monster hunter books. there is a constant supply of carnage and mayhem. many evil and shady characters. zombies,vampires,elves,guns,explosions,and fun. the word i would use to describe Larry's Correia's is fun. if you're not into that don't read these books. might want to read the other to first the current one predates those two.
Call it hyperbole if you want, but Larry's books actually are that good. Try this: locate a copy of the first MH novel, and read the first sentence. If you don't want to read any more, you will have discovered two things about yourself: 1) the books are not your cup of tea, and 2) the "fun" sector of your brain has died.
Speaking of hyperbole, I love how the political party that is focused on a balanced budget has somehow become the Republican Evangelical Racist Christian Militia party in the eyes of the unhinged left.
This is a purposeful PR campaign from the Democratic party...
It sure would look like it from the right angle. Unimaginative meme-ing can look like a purposefully-driven event.
I was at the County Fair earlier this week. It's funny how a flock of sheep all sound the same. You can't tell one's baaa from the other. They're probably all saying the same thing and the thing they're saying is probably "Duhhhhh....." But we never accuse THEM of purposeful campaigns.
Same thing.
I have read the free sample at Baen's of MHA, but spent indiscreetly to buy the paperback of "Contact with Chaos." I figured I owed that to Mike, as I had read the hardback while standing up in the bookstore.
Which reminds me; I am not able to load Mike's LJ, or mine, or anybody else's lately. Is it just my system, or is something busted there?
A rather confused article there ...
The psycho is a right wing fascist because he attacked kids who wanted to boycott Israel?
I guess, to the far left, Israelis are the new Nazis these days.
Why can't we just settle for "This guy is a loon"? I noticed the left did not want to own that person who shot up a crowd in Arizona earlier this year ... and yet the right is expected to own this whacko?
Any time I see in the the first or second paragraph, the words "...in my book..." I know it is basically gonna be a sales job.
"Which reminds me; I am not able to load Mike's LJ, or mine, or anybody else's lately. Is it just my system, or is something busted there?"
LJ's servers were getting DDOS'ed for whatever reason...
I tried to work my way through the AlterNet article, but...the stupid, it was just too strong. I'm impressed that I made it halfway through, though.
Except now certain parts of my brain are screaming.
Thanks Bob B and Beaumont!
There's a world of difference between Jared Lee Loughner and Breivik. Loughner was a mad dog who looks like a drug-addled psycho mad dog, Breivik is just a smart narcy sadistic jerk who felt the need to write a somewhat coherent book so he could get away with killing a lot of people by calling it a 'necessity' and an act that'd 'save civilization'.
Loughner's ideas were so bizarre no one understands them. He's a fair candidate for schizophrenia and a thought disorder.
Breivik is just a garden variety sad deluded case with a messiah complex.
Too bad he didn't have the right idea.. he should have gone and joined an army.
Legion Etrangere or the IDF*.
*yes, you too can join the IDF. All you need to do is pick up some intermediate level Hebrew and convert to Judaism. Am not kidding.
Wow... Just wow...
The Alternet article is so... damn, I'm going to just pretend that Poe's law applies and get on with my life. I can't believe that there are people who are that stupid and angry out there.
See, I don't care if a mass murderer's fairy god mother told him to do it. Or Allah. Or God. Or his dog. Or one of the other un-named voices in his head. Or if he just self rationalized that folks needed killing cause of the oxygen usage.
The tools and tactics one can use against the aggressor just don't care about the aggressor's motivations.
Guess it's not hip to spout off about "Take care of yourself" in the national news.
Lanius: Both are insane. The Norwegian was just smarter and sneakier about it.
Alternet writers seems to suffer from paranoia and transference.
I doubt they want to march TEA Party members off to re-education camps while they sing The Internationale ... but don't think they'd try to stop someone who wanted to.
Thanks, Tam.
And yes, North. I'm all hype. Nothing but hype, spurred on entirely by gun bloggers. In fact, I'm a talentless hack. That's why I'm one of the 5 worldwide finalists for the the John W. Campbell Award for best new writer. (winner to be announced August 20th)
Sure, 3 years ago I was a self published nobody,I'm sure it is only because of Tam that I have 17 more books under contract to write, four out this year, am a New York Times bestseller, and got a TV deal. Gun bloggers are remarkably powerful in Hollywood and the Manhattan publishing community!
Good thing that I'm only hyped (instead of reviewed) otherwise people might realize how bad I am! Oh, except I've only been reviewed by all of the major review places, got a gold star from Library Times (which is a very tough thing to get), Publisher's Weekly loves one of my series and hates another, Locus hates me (though I've been on their bestseller list 4 times), Elitist Book Reviews love me, between all my books there are several hundred reviews on Amazon, and I'm still averaging 4 1/2-5 stars on every book, my audio books were some of the bestselling things on Audible.com this year, and I've got a whole bunch of professional author type people that I rub shoulders with now that consider me a peer. (I actually squeeed when Tracy Hickman told me how much he loved Hard Magic)
Yep. Nothing. But. Hype. Becasue selling 100,000 copies of a book is a piece of cake when you come from a smaller publishing house with very little marketing money!
Good thing all us gun bloggers are so illiterate and don't read much... (thinks of Tam's book collection BWA HA HA HA HA snort) and are thus so easily snowed.
Yeah. You got me. Your stark intellect has pierced me to my core. You have laid the ugly truth bare. I am Stephanie Meyers in disguise. I'm trying to see if I can hype my way to success again, only without Oprah and an advertising budget this time.
And for everybody else. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy the new ones. :)
Wow, Larry!
By the way, Larry, I had stated that the reviews of your books were not substantial, not the work itself.
I've not read your books yet, so all I know of them are that they are well liked, but until Bob B and Beaumont actually talked about the content (thanks again!) I knew nothing substantive to entice me to buy the books.
I have to say I'm more than a little disappointed that you came here to blast me when you could have taken the opportunity to say something positive about your books.
North, spare me your sanctimony. I don't give a crap if you are dissipointed in my response here. I didn't "come here to blast you". Tam is on my blog roll. I come by about once a week.
You came in, basically told everyone that was saying positive things about my work that they were full of it:
"Read the book and you'll ascend to a higher plane. Best book evah! Incredibblebble!!1!" or "Quite a shame I've seen mention of the book on a dozen blogs, but no one has anything to say about the content of the book. Just gratuitous hyperbole."
I pointed out how your inability to use Google does not constitute a duty upon every blogger that happens to like my stuff to provide a full plot synopsis and book report and then pat you on your soft little head and send you away.
and now you want to play the Big Mean Author Wasn't Polite To Me card? Uh... No. My job is to entertain people, not to suck up to random douchebags on the internet. There, now you've been blasted.
You are pathetically immature.
So says the leetspeek anonymous insulter of random blog posters. :)
Tell you what, why don't you devote thousands of hours of your life to getting really good at something, struggle your way to success, then once you can effectively entertain lots of people so that they become fans willing to share their finding via word of mouth (which all artists live and die by), then I'll come along, not knowing jack about your work, and insult their intelligence or insinuate that they are all liars, even though I'm just too stupid or lazy to use google or to click on the friggin' link provided that goes to a page filled with actual reviews?
Then have a nice warm cup of shut the hell up.
North, don't you be mean to my homy from The High Road. We guys look out for each other. Verbum sap.
Oh, and further: Larry is MAGNIFICENTLY immature, and I honor him for it, and buy his books.
Yeah, but his first book was self-published...
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