Monday, August 08, 2011

"He did it!" "Nuh-uh, she did it!" "He did it first!"

So, watch any of the political shows over the weekend?

Boy, that was a nasty little round of accusations over the credit downgrade, wasn't it? I haven't seen so much finger-pointing, blame-shifting, and responsibility-shirking since I was babysitting the Carlson kids and found the kitchen floor half-an-inch deep in grape Kool-Aid and smooshed Captain Crunch.

I found it an especially entertaining response considering the nature of the accusation...


Anonymous said...

>So, watch any of the political shows over the weekend?<

Of course! I've figured out my wife and I watch the Sunday shows like my Grandma used to watch Big Time Wrestling.

Our favorite is Gorgeous George Will.

Tam said...

Ol' George didn't didn't exactly cover himself in glory this weekend.

Seriously, George? "Nuh-uh!"? That's all you've got?

Boat Guy said...

Gotta love the administration's disinformation campaign to blame the Tea Party AND S&P for finally pointing out the fact that their profligacies have accelerated the pace at which this economy has been run into the ground.
WSJ today has a nice little chart showing "entitlements" as part of the federal budget. About 25% in 1965 to 65% today.

Anonymous said...

George is a towering monument to self control. I'd turn that show into Springer as soon as Paul Krugman opened his mouth

Anonymous said...

Absent the Fed's printing press, we'd likely be BBB. You don't spend yourself into prosperity, nor get out of debt by borrowing money.

I've enjoyed the flow around the Internet of Obama's comments from a few years back, that raising the debt ceiling is a sign of failure in the administration. Er, yes.

Playing the blame game is much easier than actually solving problems--not that there is any politically viable solution to our fiscal problems.

Tam said...

"I'd turn that show into Springer as soon as Paul Krugman opened his mouth"

And that's the internet for today, folks. :)

Bram said...

So obviously the people who want lower spending and less borrowing are to blame (for our downgrade due to overspending, over promising, and over borrowing).

Drang said...

I'm gettin' me a "Tea Party Freedom Fighter" t-shirt made.

I just can't decide between a Minuteman, or a Wookie with a bowcaster...

tanksoldier said...

Yep, as if the TEA Party ran up the debt in the first place.

Old NFO said...

Nope, I was too busy at the range... :-)

RL said...

This weekend's punditardery spurred me into finally clicking that Gadsden flag into my Amazon shopping cart que.

WV: swedest

...And it's the swedest flag too.

Anonymous said...

"I just can't decide between a Minuteman, or a Wookie with a bowcaster..."

Minuteman - very cool

Wookie with a bowcaster - also very cool

Rico's suit of Powered Armor - Cool, or too aligned with Big Gubmint to be revolutionary?

My choice?

The Scarecrow.

Complete with a brace of black powder pistols (from the classic "Dr. Syn - The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh").


Canthros said...

Drang: A Wookiee in a tricorn hat, obviously.