Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Wow. Just wow.

So some entertainment blogger wants to put me in a camp, and even muses on how good a second civil war would feel. To quote Robb Allen:
Go ahead buttercup. I don’t think you’ve thought your cunning plan all the way through.
But that flaw in his logic wasn't what set me to laughing. No, what really got me going about the guy's little screed was the part where he insinuated that the people with whom he disagreed were, and I quote, "contemptible morons... being played by the rich".

Let me get this straight, Jeffrey: Your job, your career, your entire raison d'être, as it were, is to read the tea leaves about the talkie motion picture shows at the Bijou and then explain to me why it's important or relevant or matters two farts in a windstorm that Avatar wins an Oscar for Best Visual Effects and why I should give a damn about anything that comes out of James Cameron's piehole other than the words "Action" and "Cut", and I'm the moron being played by the rich?

Buddy, I am rubber and you are glue, okay?


Anonymous said...

Be very careful what you wish for Jeffery.


staghounds said...

People who think people should be rounded up and put in camps should be rounded up and put in camps.

Wraith said...

And the crowning irony is that this douchebag, who seems to be unable to do anything but spout the usual Oppressive talking points and tired genocidal fantasies, truly believes he's an Original Deep Thinker.

Whatta maroon. :D

Robb Allen said...

It bothers me that a large enough section of our society is comfortable with genocide enough to discuss it, not only openly, but gleefully.

Do they not realize that when the shooting starts, those bullets aren't going to care if they rearrange the brainpain of a double-plus-ungood thinker or their children?

When us gunnies discuss the awful scenario when we may actually be called upon to use our firearms, we generally seem to do it in somber tones with caveats that we hope we never have to take a single life. These schmucks seem to revel in the idea of wiping out millions of heretics and then have the audacity to call US terrorists.

Anonymous said...

@Robb- They aren't going to be wiping out anyone in their fantasy. They'll have faceless thugs do it for them.


atlharp said...

He wrote this only after he had to downgrade his Starbucks order. His first battle could be called "Cold Harbor 2.0" LOL!

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I love the one guy's comment: "You admit your enemy is a bunch of crazy, gun toting ideologues, and you want to go to war with them? If there was a second Civil War, you wouldn't like the outcome."

Sherm said...

"Buttercup" may have the cunning plan but Baldrick is the sitting president.

NotClauswitz said...

The reality just drains from the comments with every demented screed.
It's as if the toast were buttered on both sides - and in the middle...

Tango Juliet said...

I wonder. I honest-to-God wonder if there can be any kind of reconciliation between the two views, i.e, individualism vs collectivism.

When did tyranny become the goal of so many on both sides?

Anonymous said...

Ugh, putting Wookies in a camp? Camp Wookie?

I can't imagine anything more maddening. Whining about not having L. Neil Smith books. The continual arguments about Kirk v. Picard. The illegal D&D tournaments in the barracks late at night.

Shootin' Buddy

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...


Wilson said...

Isn’t it funny how it’s the “enlightened” liberals that more often want to use violence when they can’t have their way, not those neanderthal right wingers.

Themadlemming said...


They can have my D20s when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers...

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing a movie, like "The Great Escape from Camp Wookie".

Maybe a tunnel scene, wookies are running around the exercise yard to distract the guards reacting some light sabre fight, all the while other wookies dig a tunnel out with Star Trek communicators and empty inhalers. "The dirt is in my glasses! Mom, help."

How about a daring escape scene where wookies talk about computers until the tower guard jump to their deaths just so they don't have to listen to the geekspeak? The wookies then run (I know, it's a joke, they don't) to freedom and an Internet connection.

Or maybe a griping near death scene where two wookies bond from their mutual withdrawal fits from Cheetoes? "Now, we are closer than Kirk and Spock."

I'll think of others before I call.

Shootin' Buddy

TxRed said...

I believe that Ash the Right-Handed said it best when a suspected witch offered to take his soul. His reply? "Come get some." On the subject of armed rebellion, he also had great wisdom to impart. "Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."

Seriously, you're a movie blogger and you've never seen Red Dawn? Take an evening and watch it through to the end, Chachi. I think you'll see that the whole camps idea didn't work out so well.

Who gets to be Harry Dean Stanton shaking the chain link fence at the camp and screaming, "Avenge me!!"?

WV: vracta As in "Klaatu, vracta, nikto!

alcade said...

I hear the left does the whole "camp" thing very well. Although they work specificaly on the "concentration" part to help you become a better thinker, weight loss and a free tattoo are included as perks!

SoupOrMan said...

While we love to see people say "Just try it" on blogs like that, we really should be giving him the self-esteem building experience he craves. The writer needs a "You go girl!" from each and every one of us. He needs the encouragement to go out and rouse his fashionable, smart, green-friendly, forward-thinking rabble to rise up against their perceived injustices.

Not that I want to shoot them, I just want to see the "oh shit" looks on their faces when they meet armed resistance. I really need a laugh today and that would do it.

Mad Saint Jack said...

Few months back TOTUS was speechifying about high speed rail, and I had vision of high speed boxcars.

Lewis said...

I am rubber
You are glue
I'm heavily armed
How about you?

I gots to admit, though. His whole first paragraph? I was kind of nodding my head in agreement. (Except for the "Tea Bagger" comments.) But, yeah, the whole second paragraph, where the meds kicked in and it all became the right's fault, that part kind of lost me.

Then again, anyone who thinks George W. was a conservative . . . .

DES said...

I am surrounded by liberals and let me tell you that despite their preaching of understanding and tolerance of others that is the very last thing they really want. Agree with them or go away! I have no doubt that many would love to put those of us that disagree with them in prisons, and would take pleasure in it too. As a general rule they are some of the most vile, hateful people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

Anonymous said...

"contemptible morons... being played by the rich".

Hey, don't knock it: the rich pay well.

Oh, wait...

Seriously, how am I or any of the "bitter clingers" being played by the rich? I really don't get it.

Nowayoutbutup said...

I think the bigger point has been missed.
What this cowboy fails to understand is that logistics rule warfare. Doesn’t matter if you are fighting a civil war 2011 or in the 1100's .
When the supplies of JP-8 and MRE's dry up where does he think the modern military will go for support? Who will they ally with?
Hint: Not to him......

Bubblehead Les. said...

TxRed: As a old fart who paid money to see Red Dawn back in the day, I refuse to go behind the Wire. I have been behind the Iron Curtain for Real. I refuse to go behind the Wire. I admit, I'm probably too old to go running up and down the Hills, yelling "Wolverines!" I refuse to go behind the Wire. So if these "Rodeo Drive Radicals" and "Pol Pot Wannabes" ever get their way, I'll be behind the Barricade with some of my Peers, doing what I can. I refuse to go behind the Wire. But we should be able to buy enough time for the Youngsters to keep up the Good Fight, because we'll have our friends with us: Messers Colt, Smith, Wesson, Ruger, Barret, Garand, and John Moses Browning to help us. Because I refuse to go behind the Wire.

Anonymous said...

You should do a facebook badge like DES :)


Mister_V said...

Truly "The Rich" is an evil on par with "Sumdood."

Old NFO said...

Dunno what that boy is smokin or shoving up his nose, but he needs to cut back a bit... His reality has shifted...

Yolanda was correct in her comment, and summarily dismissed as 'dumb', because she didn't follow the party line... As far as civil war, he doesn't have a clue... We out number the total military force by about 4-5:1 now, and most of our folks have better small arms and more ammo handy than the military, and are more proficient...

Re-education camp, yeah bring it on sucka... :-)

An Ordinary American said...

This guy is nuttier than a ten-year-old Christmas fruitcake.

Those liberals who secretly wish for a civil war are those who are doing their damndest to destroy that which 20 million of us fought for, defended and swore to continue defending.

As others have said, this boy better be careful what he wishes for.


Kristophr said...

Old-NFO: and those same folks he expects to put us in camps are generally recruited from our ranks. Unfortunately, the cops are being recruited from HIS ranks these days. I see no good coming of this.

SB: yea, we are all just wookie suiter talk-only libertoonians who will obey and get into the cattlecars ... including the vets amongst us ... what in the hell are you huffing today?

Kristophr said...

An Ordinary American: Exactly. Rule of Law is why we don't hang his kind from lamp posts.

He should think really hard before throwing Rule of Law out.

Old Grouch said...

"...they work specificaly on the "Concentration" part..."

Hours'n'hours of old TV game shows?

Think I'd prefer the Wookies.

Firehand said...

Dammit, I was going to bring up Ash and TxRed beat me to it!

John B said...

I wouldn't register for the privilege of replying to that lefty loser's screed, Thanks Tam for letting me vent my spleen, when I'd rather vent Jeffery's

I really find it hard to believe year after year, liberal morons like this still have jack-off fantasies about going to war with the people they define as 'Baby-Killing, racist, homophobic, cousin-humping, gun carrying, whackos. It's the gun carrying bit you keep missing.

All you liberal morons if you have a gun, are likely to pose on you tube. holding on to your tube-steak with one hand and holding the gun sideways, and being puzzled when it jams.

And mr "lives in New Jersey!" Why anyone would live in the garden state when the only thing that grows is criminally possessed guns? Those aint ever going away! And you and your ilk made it that way!

The Army won't be on you side when you're talking already about concentration camps.

But guess what! If you get this civil war you're creaming your relaxed-fit slacks over....

You won't be cheering from the sidelines.
Major figures from the Civil War were John Brown and John Wilkes Booth, both used disguises to approach key players on both sides.

Do you really want to start wondering if every cop, pizza delivery guy, paperboy, barista, hot blonde groupie....

Is an assassin from the enemy camp?

You said that you enjoy the fantasy of this Civil War.

If you were a writer instead of a film critic, you'd have enough imagination not to enjoy the thought of other people dying, I don't enjoy the idea of my children killing your children, or vice versa, do me the same courtesy.

Unless it's true, Liberals don't see anyone outside their own immediate group as human. And they'd steal their own Grandmother's Pain Meds.

Tam said...


"Ugh, putting Wookies in a camp?"

He wants to put "Tea Partiers" in a camp. Neither of your folks struck me as having a strong opinion in the case of Picard v. Kirk. ;)

Joe in PNG said...

Now Col. DuBois vs Prof. de la Paz, on the other hand...

SewerDweller said...

"'What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil? ... And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you – where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's, and if you cut them down -- and you're just the man to do it -- do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!" "

seemed appropriate.

NotClauswitz said...

All those Lefty-Liberals in LA at the time of the riots, a LOT had guns. And they were out-numbered and had only the Hills behind them to run-to. Still-and-all they were quaking in their sheerling boots in a frenzied fantasy of having to do something with the GUNs, and not knowing what - because TV had taught them NOT to do whatever their instincts were saying, to NOT trust their own instincts, because...they....were RACIST! Or that they would shoot Baby 21st Century Einstein unknowingly, and be unable to SAVE the Human Race... Racist!
And not knowing what they would do - it drives them absolutely crazy - which they think is another word for creative because it begins with a "C"...Like Communist is Creative with extra letters, in a different order... I blame New Math, I can tell he had it in School, and they didn't remove the staple in his cerebellum. So he beecame a journalist-thing, writer, so he could SUFFER like Raymond Chandler and all...

Chris said...

I'll try to next to Bubblehead Les at the barricade. Too old to run, too onery to fake compliance to some thug. Just find someplace more defensible than an adobe mission, eh?

Anonymous said...

"SB: yea, we are all just wookie suiter talk-only libertoonians who will obey and get into the cattlecars"

Wookies would get on the cattlecars if I put the complete Firefly DVD set or Dr. Who DVD collection on the cattlecar.

"He wants to put 'Tea Partiers' in a camp."

The jokes are funnier if we are mocking pudgy, ineffectual wookies and not people who want to show you pictures of their grandchildren.

Shootin' Buddy

Anonymous said...

The jokes are funnier if we are mocking pudgy, ineffectual wookies

So what if said wookies would like to show you pictures of their grandchildren?

Oh, wait. They're wookies. Wookie suit! Cheeto! Kirk vs. Picard! Bong water!

(Sorry, I was just imagining libertarian-haters having a Tourette's fit.)

Anonymous said...

"So what if said wookies would like to show you pictures of their grandchildren?"

Is this like that joke about the economist on an island, "now assume a can opener." Now assume a wookie with grandchildren?

Grandchildren? I can't imagine them married or putting down the sci fi and taking off the Spock ears to have kids, let alone grandkids. (Or, would them leave them on?) Kids get in the way over Internet Firefly discussion groups.

Did not realize I hit such a nerve.

Shootin' Buddy

Stretch said...

Little Jeffrey is why all my rifles have bayonets.
A) He and his ilk are not worth the price of a cartridge.
B) The expression on their faces when confronted by 17" of steel is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Actually you and this guy are very much alike.

Roberta X said...

SB: Yeah, I noticed.

Why you readin' my LNS tomes, then, and when will you bother to remember which party it was gave us the USA PATRIOT act and Homeland Security?

I know, I know -- you can tell us all about it in the cattle cars! Now, here's the quiz question: will you be a passenger, or commanding the guard?

Kristophr said...

Anon: please post proof of that statement. I'll wait for you to cite a quote of Tam advocating prison camps for leftists.

It will be a long wait.

SB: the jerk in question wants to imprison straight republicans first. And, believe it or not, some of us do actually breed.

Joseph said...

In Leftworld the right-wing consists of people who have cravenly given in to authority whereas the Enlightened Ones have the guts to talk back to The Man. They are convinced that even a token show of force (they are also convinced that "minorities" make up a disproportionate fraction of combat soldiers and will be on their side) will cause the "chickenhawks" to run away.

Cond0011 said...

"Many times I've riffed on a dark, delicious fantasy about rounding up Tea Bagger types and sentencing them to green re-education camps for minimum one-year terms."

"A second Civil War would be an incredibly destructive thing, but it would feel so good." - Jeffrey Wells


The one-two combo of those statements was almost powerful enough to put 'owning-a-gun/allocate-daily&weekly-training-time' on my to-do list timeline.

As you said, earlier, Tam: Wow, just... wow.

John B said...

that previous comment leaves me puzzled, no comprehende.

And I speak wookie and klingon.

No! Not Reely!

Cybrludite said...

Someone should explain to this putz just what happened to Julius Streicher at Nuremberg. (Godwin don't count when someone's advocating putting people in camps...)

Cond0011 said...

If you are talking about the comment just above yours, John B, then I would strongly suspect it is SPAM.

(and no, I didn't click the links to confirm my suspicions, either)

og said...

Jeff doesn't realize his second civil war won't be a shooting war.

Cond0011 said...

If their is talk of this so-called 'Civil War' that Jeff is talking about, we would really need to watch the Liberal Politicians:

Innocents Betrayed - The True Story of Gun Control - (Graphic Images) by JPFO.ORG

Please note how the Turkish Muslims surreptiously Divided, Disarmed and Slaughtered the Greek and Armenian Christians using a variety of machinations that are at the disposal of the leaders of the country (Its the first chapter in this video)

Knotthead said...

Whenever I contemplate the darkest of futures, whether it be civil war or economic collapse, it gets depressing. The one thing that brings a smile to my face, though, is the thought that guys who do what this one does for a living, will have zero utility unless you can teach them to dig taters.

.45ACP+P said...

This loon seems to have the mistaken belief that most of us would go quietly. Be careful what you wish for. If your premise is flawed your results might not fall in line with your fantasy. How many will you have to lose trying to round us up? Somehow I think we will still have bullets left when no more are willing to come for us. If you get in the car, you are dead. works the same for hostage attitude as for those being rounded up. If it comes to pass that you go down,"GDF" GO DOWN FIGHTING! Their ideas start to fade when they meet real resistence.

RL said...

"If it comes to pass that you go down,"GDF" GO DOWN FIGHTING! Their ideas start to fade when they meet real resistence."

Meaningful active resistance hasn't yet ramped up beyond a few people saving some money, stocking up on gear, and [gasp!] speaking their minds, yet the DC apparat and their dingleklingers are transparently pooping their collective pantaloons.

The nomenklatura has no clothes.

RL said...

...Almost forgot.

Frodo Lives!

Goober said...

Jeez, listen to this guy. He is so enamored with equality and happiness and fairness that he would gladly kill people standing in his way to get it for all.

I don't think those words mean what he thinks they mean.

As for his none-to-veiled threats, well, people like him are what caused the Norway shootings. He is more guilty of them than Brvik is. His heated political rhetoric created Brevik, and the blood of those poor children is on his hands.

(What's good for the goose, leftwad...)