With all the Media fawning over their Pharaoh's birthday today, for some reason I can't shake this mental picture of Chris Matthews singing a breathy rendition of "Happy Birthday, Mr. President".
Thursday, August 04, 2011
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Eeuuhh! Gag me with a Spoon!
I'm a giver. It's what I do.
Thanks for sharing. No , really. TMI
Damn! Now that image is in my head! Arrgghhh!
As long as he's not dressed as Marilyn Monroe from her role in "The Seven Year Itch" when his leg goes all a-tingle, I think we're good to go.
He'd be breathy because he was singing between swallows, I presume?
When I went to work on my fiftieth birthday, the staff breakroom was totally decorated, black balloons, cake, old folks stuff and medicines and it was a complete surprise (I did know I was fifty - didn't know they cared). Still have the top and the shot bottle of Christian Brothers Brandy from a much older patron. Obama has nothing on me.
Does DRANO work to remove unwanted mental images? Jet fuel? How will I wash that image away? It burns..............
I'll never be able look at a picture of Chris Mathews again without chuckling.
I'm going to go do something other than think about that now. Anything.
I had a similar mental image this morning with the exception that Oprah was doing the singing.
Gee thanks Tam! Next, do you want to give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice in it? Please pass the brain bleach!
But there is no liberal media bias. Even from a "journalist" who is an ex-party flack.
That's just crazy talk.
Am I the only one that thinks Chris Matthews is HOT?
I'm all tingly in my special place.
The Dranō you're looking for generally comes in fifths. My brand is generally Maker's Mark or The Glenlivet.
Now I have to go and gouge out my eyes and fore-brain with a surplus compostable knife from the Congressional Cafeteria.
I don't know why there was such a fuss about the Obama's getting a family dog. BHO already had a lapdog named Chris Matthews.
Oh, ICK!!!! Is the tingle in his "leg" while he sings? *hurl*
Someone please tell Chris to wipe his mouth.
WV: skinleg
There's a Matthews joke there, somehow.
For what it's worth here's a vid I did of Chris Tingles and his merry band of elves at work.
WV: Slymist
AKA The fog of media whores
Damn. All nauseous now.
Heh, the word verification is "mindssap"
Hey, how about a drink warning?!
You have no idea of the horrors you've unleashed. Rule 34 will not be mocked!
Oh does that mean we can look forward to the divine Mr. O slipping Chris a few dozen sleeping pills after he has finished diddling with him?...could he do oberman to please?
Getting harder and harder to find a
news channel. Al Jazeera seems to do
a better job of non-spin news, with
good foreign coverage. Kinda like the
early-morning CNN and without BO's
birthday or the cutest-kitten filler
which takes up most of CNN daily.
Anon, Don
And will he and the president have a cigarette after he finishes singing and tingling?
There is not enough mental bleach to wipe that out of my head! Thanks Tam?
Chrissie is just the hired entertainment; Bobo's real present was delivered by the markets, all wrapped in ticker tape...
And we get the bill for both.
Yeah, me too, but only if Chris Matthews did a lap dance, too.
oops- the above was phlegmmy- I was on Himself's browser just then. I take full responsibility for that tackiness and any yearnings for brain-bleach it inspired.
Tam, please, no wire brushes. We need you the fine rifling of your mind and the deadly accuracy of your insight. Don't get salll fouled up by this particular bore.
(Walks away, singing "Patches, we're depending on you...)
Dammit woman! You owe me $6.95 for the sandwich I just deposited in the trashcan.
The Jameson will be in heavy use tonight.
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