Went to the Indianapolis Zoo with roomie today. Had a great time and took lots of pics, but I am just whupped right now; it's been a long day in the hot sun. Bobbi is already napping and I'm thinking about doing likewise. More later...
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
Going to the zoo is like watching a James bond movie. Either you're excited to see 007 save the world again, or you're not. ;)
I happen to enjoy both!
Zoos are interesting, I some times wonder if the fences are to keep the animals in, or the idjits out... :-) Enjoy the nap!
Incidentally, I'm obscenely happy with the above photo, which is an un-cropped and un-manipulated pic from the ~$70 Kodak P&S that I picked up from Wally World on the fly while I was down in K-town for the LuckyGunner shoot.
He looks like he needs a tummy-rub! Got up at 6:00am and drove down in the fog and mist to the range - shot like crap in the final analysis but got two X's offhand so I feel better anyhow. Neener to the final analysis, but it's been another cold summer so far. I remember when Summers were hot and nobody wore shoes for months...
~$70 Kodak P&S
I had a Kodak Z915. My only gripe was that the autofocus took forever, it was too easy to take the pic before it was focused, and I couldn't tell it was out of focus until I got home and saw it on the PC. Recently picked up a Canon ELPH 300 HS. Much more happiness with the pics.
The polar bear at the Madison zoo was in his little hiding spot and all we could see was his butt...
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