Saturday, March 03, 2012

I'll say this for msnbc...

...the economy's doing much better there than practically anyplace else on your television dial. (Ask your parents what a television dial is, kids.) The Dear Leader has pulled us out of the evil Republican depression and happy days are here again! And just in time for the election, too!

It's like the Bizarro World version of 2007-'08, when Limbaugh was saying "It's a boom, not a recession!" Note To Self: Do not go to Rush for economic forecasting.


Zendo Deb said...

No comments? I think your attack on El Rushbo must have put people off.

Cincinnatus said...

There is a definite lack of contact with reality on MSNBC.

Alan J. said...

It was a boom all right, the booming sound of an economy crashing and our national credit rating on it's way to a fall. Rush is a great entertainer, and while I may agree with him on several political issues - I'll still not swallow the kool-aid when he's selling his own brand of Paul Krugman's Special Brew.

global village idiot said...

"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”
- Squealer, "Animal Farm"

Rush Limbaugh is an advertisement for a version of himself. I was once convinced that he and Howard Stern were one-and-the-same person, just with clever makeup and lighting.

I listen to Rush Limbaugh as often as I can, but there's a difference between agreeing with the things person has to say and giving oneself over heart-and-soul to that person.


Stranger said...

Well, I could put it in a lot of the big words I use when I address professionals, but "Maxed Out Mama" uses small ones - and last night was very short.

The lady's February 29, 2012 post, Welcome To Appalachimerica, pretty much lays it out like it is. The second line is

"We didn't fall into a recession - we fell into a depression."

And then takes you around the grand tour of why. And yes, Mama is right. As mothers usually are.


Robert said...

Well, if you're in the gun show business, the economy IS booming!

Divemedic said...

I stopped paying attention to Rush after realizing what a massive hypocrite one has to be in order to rail against drugs week after week on a national radio show while simultaneously popping more pills than an 80s hair band.

Spud said...

I still listen to him pretty much daily. Why ? Dunno, I guess it's to try and understand the psychosis of the current republican mind.
He probably has about the best non-reality show on the radio...

Spud said...

Just wish I had a left winger radio show to laugh at also. Cuz I don't understand the Dems either !

rickn8or said...

Why yes, we're doing so well that we can have a national debate on how much a 23, uh 30-ish "coed" is spending on contraception.

Once again, the R's fell for the sideshow trap. In the immortal words of Billy Jeff, "it's the economy stupid!"

Anonymous said...

For a rather contrarian view of pMSNBC's notions about the economy, John Williams of has this:

Limbaugh? There are some issues where I find it nice that a young fella agrees with notions I formed back when he was in diapers.

Anonymous said...

For a rather contrarian view of pMSNBC's notions about the economy, John Williams of has this:

Limbaugh? There are some issues where I find it nice that a young fella agrees with notions I formed back when he was in diapers.