I can fix that bit of tragic unhipness, however, because the dead-tree mass market paperback is now on sale at Amazon
It will be so enjoyable to read a book with guns in it that was written by a competitive Three Gun shooter and former SOT FFL, instead of some east coast insurance industry schmuck who barely knows out of which end the bullet emerges.
I have a hunch you'll like it...
Just read the first chapter online, liked it. But Tam I've lived a isolated life here in Missouri so who's the "east coast insurance industry schmuck who barely knows out of which end the bullet emerges".
His name rhymes with "Bomb Fancy".
Srsly, you did not read it back when it came out with a patch?
OMG, I've never even heard of this book and I'm ready to preorder it just based on that awesome patch. Does the book come with a patch? Please please please say the book comes with a patch.
OHHH! Thanks Tam.
The earliest self-published version came with a patch. The Baen version does not.
I didn't get a patch, but I have one of the first edition self published variety. Personally, I think the Oleg Volk cover is superior to the Baen cover. That doesn't mean I won't be buying several copies for relatives who will quite enjoy the book.
Bullets come out of the barrel shroud, right? You know, the shoulder thing that goes up.
Bought it yesterday and started reading it last night about 8:30 pm, figuring to read a couple of chapters before bedtime...
...and finished it about 4:00 this morning. I literally couldn't put it down. Good thing I've got the week off from work...*yawn*...
Awesome book. Would make one hell of a movie. And I really want an "Abomination" of my own.
--Wes S.
While I have a lot of Baen books on electronic form on my home server (courtesy of all those CDs included in some books), I really don't like to read on-line if there is a dead-tree alternative. I don't read snippets either that some authors provide on various forums. That ruins the book for me and often as not, I won't buy it.
Larry C just snipped a short segment, about a page or less, and that was enough to intrigue me, but not enough to spoil by desire to buy it. I'll add MHI to my library with by next visit to my local Border's store.
I guess I just don't get into the gun enthusiast mentality much (in fairness, the machete next to my bed is closer to me than the .357 in the bedside table), but after reading the first chapter online I just felt that the writing and narrative was extremely lackluster and dull.
Incidentially Amazon told me today that my copy is on the way. Should arrive tomorrow. ;-)
Adam: I disagree. It's not Angela's Ashes, but it's not supposed to be. It's supposed to feel like a guy telling you his story over a beer. It succeeds at that. I've read a lot worse from "professional" writers who just churn out book after book of formulaic pulp . At least this guy has an original idea!
"At least this guy has an original idea!"
No disagreement there, or with the concept for that matter. I agree that, if the idea is that it's supposed to be a story over a beer, it succeeds. That withstanding, that first chapter reads a bit too much like, "So thar I wuz..." for me :)
My copy should be here in the next day or so. weeee!
(werd verification: kines. I often rely on the kines of strangers)
"I guess I just don't get into the gun enthusiast mentality much (in fairness, the machete next to my bed is closer to me than the .357 in the bedside table), but after reading the first chapter online I just felt that the writing and narrative was extremely lackluster and dull."
Dunno, haven't read it yet.
However, a lot of people whose opinions I trust recommended it to me.
I remain guardedly optimistic: I'm not expecting War And Peace, just the literary equivalent of Cocoa Puffs. Something that has little to no nutritional value, but which tastes convincingly chocolate-y and makes me feel good. :)
Gee, Adam.
I bought the self-published version, started reading it, and didn't put it down until the proverbial 0400 hours.
Could you let me know what books you personally like, so I can avoid wasting time on them?
MHI definitely is "Cocoa Puffs".
And everyone is right, set aside the time to read it through because you will not want to set it down.
The first two lines were enough to sell me on it. Time to make a run to the bookstore.
I got my self-publish copy at about two in the afternoon many moons ago, had to put it down for work and sleep, but still completed it within probably eighteen hours.
And if you ask Correia nicely, he has patches for sale if you email him.
You know, as I had an extra copy I was going to ask you if you had read it when it first came out.
I guess I should have....
Another gunblogger who hasn't read it yet.
Maybe life will slow down some around these parts so I can sit still long enough to do so.
"Could you let me know what books you personally like, so I can avoid wasting time on them?"
Yeesh, you'd think I peed in your Cheerios or something.
Look, guys, I don't mend to offend and I'm not saying your taste in material is crap or anything. This book was just really not my cup of tea and I was quite frankly a little bored and perturbed into the first chapter online.
When someone first described the book, I was interested. The concept is fascinating, particularly after a foray into urban fantasy consististing of Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher, and a handful of others (Harrison, I think, taking the cake for that despite having a stupid premise). I just didn't find the execution to my liking.
"Look, guys, I don't mend to offend and I'm not saying your taste in material is crap or anything."
I'm not offended; after all, everybody likes different books.
Half everybody I know is a huge John Ringo fan, but I've found very little of his stuff to be to my taste. Different strokes, and all.
"I'm not offended; after all, everybody likes different books."
Stop being reasonable. It's infectious.
Next you'll be suggesting we stop pouring ketchup in our ears and shouting, "TOMATO, TOMATO."
Took me a while to read, and I realized it was because I read it the same way I tend to read the Dresden books: read a chapter or two and put it down till later, because I don't want to finish it too fast.
I got to the party too late for the self-published version - the Volk cover must rock. Amazon sent my copy on Thursday and I finished it last night(Tuesday).
It was my cup of tea, but my tastes are broad. I read _The Probability Broach_ about five times in succession when I first got a copy.
I also believe I've read every series Jerry Ahern has written.
None of it towering works of lit'rature, but it doesn't have to be. You'll enjoy it, Tam.
Stay safe
Adam: That was exactly why I asked you what books you like. I was more than half seroius about the request.
It's also how I pick reviewers/critics. If you agree with their choices as to what is good, they are useful to to you. If you don't then you are only wasting your time and raising your blood pressure by reading them.
Obviously we have completely different tastes.
I find your review useless ... as you would undoubtedly find mine. I like John Ringo's stuff as well ... so you can consider adding that author to your personal avoid list.
"half serious"
... I always notice the damned typos after I hit send.
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