Friday, March 19, 2010

This week's gaffe...

Joe Biden, bless his heart...

(h/t to Breda.)


TJP said...

"Jaaayzus Mary an' Joseph".

[shakes head]

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

You are from Georgia, and you said, "bless his heart."

WAITAMINNIT. I know what that means...

Jay G said...

Hey! At least he didn't misspell potato. Now *that* would be a sure sign of intellectual inferiority, right?

[cue crickets]

Joel said...

I've come to the firm conviction that the framers were ironically right, and that vice presidents actually do serve a useful purpose in government. They're for laughing at.

TBeck said...

Biden is there to give Obama plausible deniability.

rickn8or said...

Make that "pointing and laughing at".

Xavier said...

You can call a man a fat ugly ignoramus that smells like a sasquatch and as long as you say "Bless his heart" you haven't offended anyone beneath the Mason Dixie line.

Wonderful eh?