These pre-lock V-Comps were supposedly designed with input from Jerry Miculek; they were sold with a special serial number prefix, and the gun in question is #0001.
I'm not dead set on selling it, but it's kinda become the odd duck out in my collection and the right offer would make me turn it loose.
"It is not unreasonable to assume it could fetch some $850-$900 or so at auction today."
That was from 2008. Nowadays that's nearly the price of a new, plain Jane, common-as-dirt S&W N frame with a Hillary hole and cheap rubber grips.
I love S&W, but it's getting harder and harder to swallow the price of new ones. Luckily there are lots of old ones out there.
Yes, but this is serial #1. Since there is a gun going for a Million $$$ with a serial number of "#2", that must mean that Tam's revolver is worth at least $2,000,000
What are you gonna do with all that money, Tam?
What, thinking about replacing the Nazi Roller Skate?
What do you have against odd ducks? What is you, in favor of normal ducks?
Contact Julie(Goloski)Golob. She has been getting her V-Comp ready for ICORE, and might be interested in another. Who knows, at least it will get used.
Now that is some badass jetsam; I shoulda figgered as much...
But let's keep this cyber yard sale going; you and RX stand to rake in some serious dinero even for the more mundane stuff (think "leather", mags, blades, tactiblack gear, duplicate reading material, and ??) that some of us could actually, you know, afford.
That is prettier than it has any right to be. Too rich for my blood, but I can still lust after it for free.
Nice piece Tam! Might have to sell a couple of stragglers to make room for that one.
Very nice, Tam. Wish I could afford it ('cause you shouldn't sell that piece cheap).
Meh, if I had S/N 00001 of anything like that you'd have to pry it from my cold dead fingers.
Nice, very unique pistol. I'm fairly certain you can name your price and get it.
I have never, ever, sold a firearm I did not regret afterward.
Not even the Owl Head I sold because I was flat broke and the big famous engineering company I worked for at the time paid once a month, and paid for last month next month.
While hunger is a powerful incentive, regret is even more so.
You and I are different, then. I have sold literally hundreds of firearms, most of which I can barely remember and almost none of which I have the slightest twinge of regret about.
Now that Gunsmith Bob has brought this to my attention I am stacking up some dimes to see how many I have for the offer sure to land in the inbox.
I regret selling the Glock 23. The KelTec P-11. The SKS Paratrooper. And my 3" M57 to my dumbass friend, who sold it off without even offering it to me, and then died, so I can't even bitch at him about it. :-(
Er, make that a *657*. God bless Lew Horton.
When you have another .40... But then I might have to sell the .44 Specials - 296 and 696, and the CZ in .9mm. Might be worth it.
Hey, Sis - -
I assume you re-read the comments on that Gun Room installment when you linked it. I mean, the one by Mannie, where he wrote, "I have been searching hi and low for the 627PC VComp that You have!!
IF You'd like to sell it,PLEASE contact Me...I'll pay a very nice price for one..." I think it was the 8th comment down.
Did you ever get an S&W letter on that resolver?
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