Obviously Captain America was on the loose somewhere in Tippecanoe county!

Don't the Superhero Guild Laws require you to have a secret Fortress of Solitude or a Batcave or that fancy prep school where the X-Men hang out or whatever? Perhaps Cap's is somewhere here in Hoosierland!
Or maybe this was just a garden variety crazy, a species with which Indiana is abundantly stocked, ever since the DNR decided to reintroduce them back in the '30s, along with whitetail deer?
As it turns out, there is a method to Captain America's madness...
You go, Allen!
Hmm....cognitive dissonance or something: When I saw that pic of Captain America I heard the opening of "Team America"
Some people do indeed put their money where their mouth is. Wounded vets are folks for whom there's a lot of talk-the-talk and damned little walk-the-walk. Good for Captain America...
...this on the heels of superman renouncing his citizenship.
Comin to save the MF day yeah!
God Bless him.
I pray he doesn't get jacked by some human detritus out there.
No comment about a fortress from this compound outside of Lafayette, well stocked with ammunition and multiple weapons of the type used by my native American ancestors......
Of course any self-respecting Superhero must have a hideout.
Why do you think Mayor Ballard is so proud of those dozens of miles of tunnels that they are building/adding on to in Indy? The Mayor claims that it is about rainwater run off but is actually part of the Turtleplex of Zippy the Turtle, with a wing for Salamander Boy.
Shootin' Buddy
If he's crazy... he's my kind of crazy.
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