"[O]ur opponents repeatedly suggest that civilians should not be allowed to carry firearms for self-defense, a key reason being that civilians don’t receive sufficient training compared to police. But then when we seek out the same kind of training as police, they disapprovingly exclaim, “Who needs ‘tactical firearm training’?”"I need 'tactical firearm training' because none of your business, Joan, that's why.
Further, I don't have to justify any "need" to you or anybody else. "Want" is just fine, Joan, there's no "need" required; it's not "Life, Liberty, and the purƒuit of Needs." If we were restricted to "needs", we'd all be living in 12'x8' cells on a bread-and-carrot-juice diet.
I understand that guns, the shooting thereof, and pretty much everything to do with them scare you to half to death, but that's just tough. And yes, guns that are improperly used or fall into the wrong hands can be dangerous. Same with everything from cars to claw hammers to cricket bats. Again, life's tough; buy a helmet.
If we got rid of everything I found dangerous or scary, there wouldn't be a stepladder or a clown left from sea to shining sea, and if we can't legislate fear and danger out of life just to make me happy, then we can't do it for you, either, Joan
These same @$$hats would go nuts if you suggested showing ID and proof of citizenship and required a test to see if you knew what the hell was going on before you could vote. Far more damage has been done to this country be stoopid voters than all the gun crimes put together.
Exactly, anything can be dangerous when used improperly.
Seems to me that we DO want to be thrown into the training brier patch.
If training is a concern, then does it not stand that firearms safety should be taught in the public schools? Should one be allowed to graduate high school without checking out on the M16 and M9? Should not tax money be expended on public ranges (take it from P-R money) as the state of TN?
What about tax policy? If training is a concern, should not gun school be deductible above the line to shrink one's AGI?
I've been flapping my gums about these for decades, good to see Joan is on my side.
Shootin' Buddy
I don't want to be trained or to shoot like a cop, from what I have seen at the range they are woefully unprepared.
"I don't want to be trained or to shoot like a cop"
...and compared to the average shooter on a public range, any cop that passed his qual scores is a frickin' ninja.
And that's just sad, because the average police qualification course could be passed by anybody who could stand flat-footed, aim at the ground with both hands, and hit it.
Seriously, I am a sucky pistol shooter. I go to gun school, and I'm lucky not to be the worst student in the class. All I'm praying for at this weekend's match is that I don't come in dead frickin' last...
...and when I go to Iggle Crick, people come up to me and "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" at my shooting because compared to the person next to me, who can't keep their shots on an 11x14 piece of paper at 7 yards and has actually shot a nick or two into the target stand, my shooting does look mighty good.
The Public-Shooting Range: Fostering the Dunning-Kruger Effect Since 1999!
"The Public-Shooting Range: Fostering the Dunning-Kruger Effect Since 1999!"
The man of the Left cares not what you do as long as it is mandatory.
How to make something live forever, make it a bureaucracy.
Shootin' Buddy
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
These same @$$hats would go nuts if you suggested showing ID and proof of citizenship and required a test to see if you knew what the hell was going on before you could vote. Far more damage has been done to this country be stoopid voters than all the gun crimes put together.
Exactly. I had the same "discussion" recently with some "left-leaning" people I know. Asking for ID to buy a gun is just common sense, but asking for ID to vote is a racist conservative plot to control voters.
I gave up at that point.
"NEED" the word that is always used whenever someone wants to deny others something that is tangible or a political act, whether it is a gun, a political gathering, a Big Mac, or a 800 horsepower muscle car...
All The Best,
Frank W. James
If we were restricted to "needs", we'd all be living in 12'x8' cells on a bread-and-carrot-juice diet.
"If we got rid of everything I found dangerous or scary, there wouldn't be a stepladder or a clown left from sea to shining sea, and if we can't legislate fear and danger out of life just to make me happy, then we can't do it for you, either, Joan "---
Hey Congress--you paying attention?
"Wait! Just because I said you're not trained enough to carry a gun doesn't mean you should be ABLE to get that training!" Etc.
"there wouldn't be a stepladder or a clown left from sea to shining sea"
can't sleep, clowns will eat me.
I regularly read Crazy Joan's blog. It's that whole know thy enemy thing. What amazes me is the way she "moderates" her comments. I think it's kind of funny they way she is always defending the criminal that killed her sister. That nut job should have been in jail. Her and old Badliar make a great pair.
I really like the way they link to the site that regularly smears NRA leaders as nutjobs and wackos. When they linked to Jeff Cooper I left a comment that never showed up. Oh well.
I left a comment after one post and told her that she will not come and get my guns. She would send the Fathers, Brothers, Sons and Daughters to do her dirty work because she would not dirty her hands. That never showed up either. Every Bradyite I've ever run into is a hypocrite.
Shootin' Buddy - Should one be allowed to graduate high school without checking out on the M16 and M9?
Given that Moochelle and the rest of the libs have been telling us that obesity is a "national security problem" and that the public schools have to serve more salads and expel any kid seen with a Coke in his hand to combat this, one would think that they'd be all in favor of your suggestion. (I'm pretty sure most high school boys would be all for it, too!)
Somehow, though, I'm guessing that they aren't.
Tam - [W]hen I go to Iggle Crick, people come up to me and "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" at my shooting because compared to the person next to me, who can't keep their shots on an 11x14 piece of paper at 7 yards and has actually shot a nick or two into the target stand, my shooting does look mighty good.
Yep. I go to our local range once or twice each month and I always have to remind myself that my marksmanship skills are only SEAL-like when compared to the other people who do things like try to put rounds into their magazines backwards.
Critter: They will eat you if you remain awake as well.
Tam - "When I go to Iggle Crick, people come up to me and "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" at my shooting because compared to the person next to me, who can't keep their shots on an 11x14 piece of paper at 7 yards and has actually shot a nick or two into the target stand, my shooting does look mighty good."
Err... I don't even know what to say. Now I had plenty of practice with rifles in my teens, but the first time I EVER fired a pistol, I put them all on paper, at 20 yards (and actually shot 75/100 in 10 shots, with about half being 9s). And I hadn't touched a gun in over a decade.
I need tactical training because you and your host of horrors Joan say that I need training so that I am as highly trained as a police officer to be able to properly and effectively defend myself.
Are you saying Joan that you would be happy in forgoing all training requirements for concealed carry? If so that would be great, other wise I got my need right out of your sniveling mouth.
... and if you did say you'd drop the training requirements, I'd still go because as Tam said, need's got nothing to do with it. One of these days I'd like to actually be ahead of the pack instead of middle of the pack. That takes time and training Joan, so piss off.
Seriously, I am a sucky pistol shooter. I go to gun school, and I'm lucky not to be the worst student in the class. All I'm praying for at this weekend's match is that I don't come in dead frickin' last...
I missed this comment from Tam and I must say it was touching. It's touching because I'm not the only one that has those same exact feelings. It's funny because I've had good shooters come up and compliment me, even after I still feel like I suck.
Is that humility? Oh god, what is wrong with me!
"I need 'tactical firearm training' because": RACEGUN.
"12'x8' cells on a bread-and-carrot-juice diet"
Isn't that the Bloomberg plan?
Since mostly all I get is dryfire and airsoft, the 4 times a year I get to a range and get live fire I do pretty well.
I'd do live fire at home but I think the neighbors would complain about my lack of backstop.
Have you seen this?
It's funny, I used to climb up step ladders all the time as a kid to help my dad with house projects. I got about half way up a few months ago, felt the wobble with each step, and realized I couldn't do it anymore.
To quote Unc; 'What does 'need' have to do with anything?'
Apparently Japete doesn't actually "need" oxygen to survive, evidently swamp-gas and other subterranean fumes can help her form thoughts and sentences - God only knows what she eats...
"12'x8' cells on a bread-and-carrot-juice diet"
Isn't that the Bloomberg plan?
Nope, bread has too many carbs. Bad for ya.
"What amazes me is the way she "moderates" her comments"
Japete is a coward. She knows that she cannot defend the positions that she posts so she has to resort to heavily moderating her blog. You'll see the same type of behavior on Baldr's blog and MikeB302000's blog. Cowards, all of them. I'd be ashamed to even run a blog if I had to moderate to "win" the argument.
docjim - Yep. I go to our local range once or twice each month and I always have to remind myself that my marksmanship skills are only SEAL-like when compared to the other people who do things like try to put rounds into their magazines backwards.
HK marketing reps?
The Clown phobia I get. I removed a trunk from a wrecked AMC Matador that had the head of the Joker painted on it. It was the gong at the outdoor range for fifteen years.
I don't get stepladders...
oh wait, you're tall!...
...you don't have a thing about midgets with stepladders, do you.
I'm 6'6" so decock Lefty K!
on moderating, I'm so grateful for any comments, I've left cash trolls on for ages!
"Yep. I go to our local range once or twice each month and I always have to remind myself that my marksmanship skills are only SEAL-like when compared to the other people who do things like try to put rounds into their magazines backwards."
Sad to say I took a friend to the range a while back. After finishing my shots I came back to see him loading the cartridges into a mag backwards. Mentioned that having the bullet fly out of the wrong end of the gun and whack him between the eyes (not possible, I know!) was not part of a good plan...
I'm damned nervous being out in public knowing that someone could be concealing a clown.
I need training because of what the Brits call a "spanner."
I suppose that we could always point out that, in the XVIII Century, a "well-regulated militias" was one that could shoot straight.
Might that be counter-productive?
For reference, the NJ police qualification requirements - http://www.state.nj.us/lps/dcj/agguide/firearms.htm and click through to the pdf. (Hey, it's the link I have handy.) If you happen to be able to get a unicorn license, you have to demonstrate you can get pills on paper according to those guidelines.
Went down the rabbit hole to find the original "Joan" quote, since the one linked to seemed to validate Tam's thesis.
I can only hope my targets have as many holes in them as Joan's line of argument.
"Are we at war?" Um, kinda. In more ways than one.
In 2005 I made the acquaintance of a young man, a Reservist signal Soldier who was stationed at my base just west of the Iranian border (FOB Caldwell for those of you who may know of it). He'd extended his tour and his enlistment for a second year there.
I was at a loss, frankly. I could understand extending the enlistment, but the tour? Asking him about it, he said he wanted to be somewhere he felt safe. I asked him his home of record and he said "Oakland."
Q.E.D., Joan.
And Tam, I've seen you shoot. False modesty doesn't become you. There's shooting for score and shooting for keeps. I don't think you have much to worry about.
We've had this discussion before, but I still wonder - much like Tam - why no one ever sets up a shoot house where you have to clear it in pyjamas, barefoot, with dog squeaky toys and Legos scattered hither and yon. More realistic than "operator" training.
I'd like to add something.
James Taranto, in his "Best of the Web Today" column, brought something up yesterday worth spending some time on. The link is here:
The whole column is worth reading, but this is what I think is germane to the discussion:
"Don't repeat conservative language or ideas, even when arguing against them."
That bit of advice, No. 1 on a list titled "The 10 Most Important Things Democrats Should Know," comes from the promotional material for "The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic" by George Lakoff and Elisabeth Wehling....
He goes on to quote another blogger who encapsulates the effects and consequences of this tactic:
Many politicians, pundits and talking heads have taken Lakoff's recommendation to heart. This is why conservatives and liberals can't seem to have the simplest conversation: liberals intentionally refuse to address or even acknowledge what conservatives say. Since (as Lakoff notes) conservatives invariably frame their own statements within their own conservative "moral frames," every time a conservative speaks, his liberal opponent will seemingly ignore what was said and instead come back with a reply literally [sic] out of left field.
Thus, he is the progenitor of and primary advocate for the main reason why liberalism fails to win the public debate: Because it never directly confronts, disproves or negates conservative notions--it simply ignores them. . . .
When we understand this - when we understand that this is the way liberals are trained not only to argue but to THINK, the wackiness and incomprehensibility of their discourse makes perfect sense.
Put in simpler terms, liberal discourse is an adaptation of "Four Legs Good! Two Legs BAAAAAD!"
Carry On...
Don't forget the other precept of "Some animals are more equal than others"
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