Thursday, October 01, 2009

Awaiting a report from Gunsite...

Caleb is beating the holy hell out of an M&P-15 with the factory low-end MagPul accessory package. (And by "low-end", I mean "de-contented"; the MOE parts I've examined seem to be just as sturdy, just with fewer features. The stock, for instance, lacks the locking feature that makes the CTR stock so solid, and the pistol grip doesn't have the modular front- and backstraps of the MIAD.)

I'm waiting to hear how the MagPul BUPS (Back-Up Plastic Sights) hold up. Do they hold zero with normal handling? Are they rugged enough to take a spill? (Not even all BUIS systems will do that.) I'm skeptical. Perhaps he could accidentally-on-purpose drop the carbine on them?


Robert McDonald said...

I recently picked up an M&P15t. I'm really pleased with it so far but I've not put it through any real heavy use yet.

T.Stahl said...

I put MBUSs on my HK SL8 a few weeks ago. So far had just the time to zero them to 75m.
Even for that range and considering that the front sight towers four inches (!) above the bore axis, I had to turn the front sight post up. Now it's farther out than when it arrived. Strange.

Next investment will be an EOTech XPS2-0. What good is a back-up sight when there nothing to back up?

aczarnowski said...

I'm basically building that same rifle off a CMMG M4LE foundation with a CTR and the MOE handguards (if I can ever get the damn thing sighted in - there might still be an upper alignment problem after one warranty round trip). I'll be interested in the MagPul BUIS notes as well, since I have a pair sitting on the shelf.

And like T.Stahl, an EOTech XPS3-0 is nearing the top of the to-buy list.

Anonymous said...

I have the MBUS rears on my AR. It survived three days of John Farnam, diving in the gravel, and overall beating. Between classes, practice, the .22 kit, this rifle is well into 5 digit round counts.

This rifle also routinely rides in the trunk in noting more protective than a sneaky bag.

The sights have not moved an iota (for that matter, T.Stahl, neither has the EOTEech 517).

As soon as the fun fund recovers, a CTR stock will find its way on the rifle. Magpul's new sling is great. Comfy, overbuilt, and practical (while still tactical).

I don't get paid by Magpul, but based on the products I own (P-mags, MBUS, MS2 sling) I'm very happy.

Dave said...

If it makes a difference to you, I believe that Pat Rogers likes the MBUS and uses them on his guns...

MCSA56 said...

My cousin use a S&W M&P MOE (does that make sense in English?) to shoot the Appleseed for 2 days.

The rifle came zero'd out of the box and after ~600 rounds was still shooting well. No shift in zero.

I was skeptical at first, but when folded down, the part seems pretty sturdy. When deployed, I wouldn't think that it'd stand up to knocks so well.

That said, the rifle is meant to be an optics ready carbine, so you'd be using the BUPIS as last ditch anyway...

Ed Foster said...

With an S&W, stick with the plastic magazines like PMag, they're big and flexible. Schneider cuts the mag wells to high limit or a bit more, and they run about .005 offset to the left.

The plastics fill the hole better. Metal mags tend to pendulum, and the H&K's are absolutely the worst. There's almost no latch engagement and the weapons rarely function with an H&K pointed strongly upward.

We were doing 6,000 round mag tests up at Smith about a year and a half ago and I had to load the H&K mags forward with my thumb to get them to function a full 30 rounds.

Unknown said...

Magpul is local, so I'm an irrational fan full of unquestioning love. That caveated, I have the full MOE kit (except for the trick trigger guard), and love it all.