...but then I realized they just meant "...from Olympic contention", and not "...by flying saucers."
Don't feel bad, Chicagoans: Speaking as an ex-Atlanta gal, you really didn't want it anyway. It's a lot more hassle than it's worth.
Books. Bikes. Boomsticks.
“I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
Damn Tam. That needed a spew alert.
And the decision was announced while TOTUS is in the air. I wonder if the door hit him in the @$$ on the way out?
I actually cheered a little when I saw that headline on CNN.
Gee Obamas...maybe you can get back to Washington and deal with the real issues our country is facing? I think we've got a couple here and there.
Happy happy joy joy.
Actually CJ, I wouldn't mind if they parked themselves in Copenhagen for a while. The less "fixing" they try to do the better.
Talk about making oneself look foolish! I guess President Studly ain't as big a deal as he thought he was. Lotsa snickering going on in various world captials...
The IOC went against the President's wishes? Racists...
Is that the first time the Daley machine lost a rigged election?
Tam is right about the ATL in 96. What a pain that was. And the chrome pickups... hang my head in shame.
On the plus side, as gaudy and as screwy as the ATL games were, we didn't get saddled with a 30 year debt, and I got a chance to work in an Olympic Village.
Mayor Daley comments:
I guess Barry's hookers and blow weren't up to snuff.
So the citizens of Illinois (and likely other states) have been spared a billion or two in expense for an Olympics. That the Olympics were proposed for Chicago was primarily an exercise in local graft and profiteering; it is a good thing the city did not get the games.
Maybe some group will propose Hawaii (pick any island) for the games. Much better climate, close to sea level, and who would not want to go there for the events?
Me! ...Hawaii is self-defense-unfriendly. They can keep it.
Hmmmmm.. Chicago and Rio are the frontrunners. Hmmm..Barry and Oprah (oh, Michelle sacrifices also)go there to make the pitch..Hmmm..Chicago eliminated in FIRST VOTE!! Whoa. Didn't see that coming.......Heh
Hell, I really don't care. But am SOOOO glad Dear Leader got taken down a peg or two.
wv - distab
The IOC done and gone distabbed the prezident!!
Almost 1/2 of Chicago is happy we didn't get this event. Daley and his buddies would have stolen through graft and corruption millions of dollars and then the taxpayers of the city & state would have been on the hook for the difference.
Gotta love the Drudge headline.
Hmmm... I guess The One isn't the President of the World after all.
Good. Chicago's corrupt machine would have just stuck it to the citizens on this deal anyway - and it's good to know that the IOC isn't as worshipful of The Dear Leader as some 'merrycans are.
But. . .But Dear Leader and wife both said they would get the Olympics! and they always do what they say right? right? *snicker*
Tam, We finally found an election that a Daley couldn't rig.
As a former Montrealer (Olympics 76) and soon to be reluctant Chicagoite, I felt a warm glow of schadenfreude.
Thank goodness.
now the rest of the world has told the chosen one he really is not the end all !!!
I dunno, I lived through the '84 Olympics in Los Angeles. Of course it seems like more people left town for the duration than came as tourists, and Police Chief Darryl Gates had the LAPD run every felon and street looney they could find out of town, too. Of course neither Mr. Gates nor Mr. Uberroth would have been involved in the Chicago Olympics, so I agree it's better for Chicago this way.
The looks on those people's faces... They think America is the center of the world. The idea that they could lose doesn't even register with them.
Hawaii isn't "self-defense" unfriendly, merely "effective self-defense unfriendly". You may not be able to carry a firearm, but you are welcome to try to defend yourself with a knife (you can carry any size you like, just has to be visible).
Good luck with that though, some of the guys here are a little bit bigger than average.....
"then I realized they just meant '...from Olympic contention', and not '...by flying saucers.'"
The other day at work I walked in on the following conversation:
"Next thing you know, we have 10 kiloton nukes in DC."
"Don't tease me like that."
What happened every time the Chicago Bulls won the NBA Playoffs?
Can you imagine the rioting in the streets every time Team USA wins a match?
'...by flying saucers.'
Loved it...
I guess this is what happens when ACORN isn't available to assist with the voting process.
I blame Bush™.
Great, now the "Running more than 26 miles" tax, and the "more than one-athalon" tax just seem ridiculous. On the other hand, it will not force them to lift the ban on assault javelins.
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