I often deride anti-gun legislators for being absolutely ignorant about guns, but I might have to eat my words when it comes to California's ardent foe of the Second Amendment, state senator Leland Yee. It looks like he was actually something of a subject matter expert on the topic of criminal misuse of firearms. Check out this tasty excerpt from page 84 of the 137-page indictment,
the whole of which reads like a Tarantino production of an Elmore Leonard novel:
Click to Embiggen |
Having waded through over three quarters of this sleaze-a-thon this morning, I'm surprised Yee didn't have little dust clouds following him around like that kid from the Charlie Brown cartoons; he was
that dirty. This guy
ranting about the dangers of the criminal misuse of firearms is like Jerry Sandusky railing against the touching of little boys.
Do as I say, not as I do.
"I'm in, man". Do people go to special criminal talk schools to say things like that?
You're right, Tarantino could have written this script.
Looks like a BAD script at that...
It is getting so the only difference between a cop and a criminal is the badge.
"It is getting so the only difference between a cop and a criminal is the badge."
"Senator" is not a cop. The cops, as a matter of fact, are the guys who arrested the senator here.
Over the last week Tam was complaining about not having anything to post, definitely having the late winter blues, and repeatedly having icky weather.
So all it takes to arouse her muse is a juicy indictment of a sitting politician on a gunrunning charge who specifies the desire for up to %2,500,000 of fully automatic firearms and shoulder launched weapons!
And now we know what to give her for NEXT Christmas!
Between this dude and Eric Holder, you have to wonder if Democrats aren't pushing gun control just to drive up the market value of their own goods.
Which is nice, because then they must understand basic economics better than I thought.
I'm guessing in Yee's case, he supports gun restrictions like drug traffickers should support current drug prohibition; it drives up the profits.
Both my hypocrisy meter and my irony meter fried their circuits this morning. I love it when that happens.
A Dem who knows automatic from semiautomatic. Unpossible.
A Dem who knows automatic from semiautomatic. Unpossible.
A democrat that knows the difference between a semi automatic and an automatic....hmmmm
At least he didn't ask if the buyer wanted a "shoulder thing that goes up."
A democrat that knows the difference between a semi automatic and an automatic....hmmmm
At least he didn't ask if the buyer wanted a "shoulder thing that goes up."
Tango Juliet:
He is actually being consistent.
Peasants with weapons are dangerous and must be suppressed.
Criminals with weapons are a mere road hazard, and can be handled with bodyguards, and having the King send out his men once in a while to kill a few of them.
I'm sure that Boxer, with her carry permit, has at least Lurleen-grade firearms knowledge as well.
Not all of the enemy are ignorant.
Armed Texan is right. I doubt he is all that anti-gun for person reasons if he is dealing in arms. He was using his Senate position to strengthen his (illegal) business profits. The more things he can make illegal, the more he can use to sell on the black market for significant profits.
Smart move from a business perspective I suppose.
Greetings from Northern California. Yesterday on the Sacramento news radio it was like a death in the family: "A big shock today regarding..." And of course, no identification of Yee as "*Democrat* state senator Leland Yee". That part of who-what-when-where-how gets misplaced when the subject is a progressive big wheel -- Conceal. Don't Feel. Don't Let It Show.
Sorry, I have been lumping all government employees of late into the cop pot.
I keep pinching myself, but I'm not waking up.
This can't be real, right? How does this stuff keep getting handed to us on a silver platter?
It's obvious that being anti-gun (among the BayAryans at least) is just a political posture, if guns were more popular there and less demonized, then the posture would be different.
Also the blinkered CA One-Party Media doesn't really need to identify him as a Democrat as there are no significant Republicans in existence as far as they can(not) see.
1. The kind of sleezeball you love to see perp-walked in cuffs.
2. Anybody else surprised da Feds nailed a senior state Dem.? Who goofed and actually did their job?
Guns for Yee, but not for thee
@Marc Pisco: another blogger I read said almost exactly that; that it would seem that he was working to make legal guns impossible to get so his illegal ones would make him more money.
Not that the media would ever report, or for that matter even think that sort of thing.
"Who goofed and actually did their job?"
I think this is payback by some detectives for a bunch of leftist politicals spitting on them for the last six years.
Screwing with the Praetorian Guard got Caligula fired ...
I'm offended, Pigpen
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