Another is "chutzpah", which is a Yiddish word for a certain sort of... Boldness? Impudence? But to the point of recklessness?
Anyway, the standard illustrative description of chutzpah for me used to be "The kid who murders his parents and then pleads to the judge for mercy on the grounds that he's an orphan." That takes chutzpah.
Like I said, that used to be my go-to illustration for chutzpah, but not anymore! Oh, no, it's been completely eclipsed. My new illustration for chutzpah is "The senator on the Intelligence Committee complaining that having her computer spied upon in secret by the CIA is un-American." That is just some gobsmacking, jaw-dropping, breathtaking chutzpah right there, Senator Feinstein. Haven't we just been assured by you and your fellow politicos that having one's private data sifted by the State Intelligence Organs is as 'Murrican as blue nitrile gloves or standing in line at the DMV?
Meh. If anyone in the Senate needed a minder more than Harry Reid, it's Di-Fi., IMHO....
Chutzpah: An American diplomat scolding the Kremlin for violating a sovereign country through the use of military force.
Since Pelosi and Feinstein both consider Snowden a traitor for ratting out the NSA to the public, I don't see much value or merit in their opinions. Since Feinstein is a hypocrite who thinks you should give up your weapon so Sumdood, known far and wide for his good sportmanship, would then give up his..... /sarcasm /sarcasm
That needed two stop tags!
Ooh! I can see the exact parallels!
What was the UN resolution Vlad was enforcing?
(As you craft your response, bear in mind that you are trying to sell it to someone who was opposed to the invasion of Iraq.)
To expand:
If anything, both our dustups with Iraq were models of post-League of Nations geopolitics, with much running about coalition-building and consensus begging.
Putin's actions are a return to the norm of human history. He felt his nation's interests were at stake, and so he rolled troops with no more compunction for the feelings of other nations than Queen Victoria would have shown.
Personally i think it's more an example of Di-Fi's stupidity... :-D
One law and no rights for the little people and a different law and rights for DiFi and the ruling class. Isn't that what the founding fathers took up arms against?
NEWS ROOM Producer:
Cue Senator Feinstein outrage in 5...4...3...2..1...
Remember, the Intelligence community (and committee) just gather intelligence. They don't use it.
Completing an entire game of Advanced Squad Leader requires Sisu as well.
All Muricans are equal.
Some Muricans (namely, Sinators) are more equal than others.
-with sincere apologies to George Orwell.
Feinstein needs to go through the TSA line a few more times - at least once with a scissors and some NyQuil in her purse...
Blogger NotClauswitz said...
Feinstein needs to go through the TSA line a few more times - at least once with a scissors and some NyQuil in her purse...
While not being able to play the "Do you know who I am?!" card.
You played Squad Leader?
You just wrote that to tease me, didn't you?
Sisu was the name of the starship that Thorby was taken onto in Heinlein's Citizen of the Galaxy
" Sisu, for example, which I remember mostly from reading the instruction manual for Crescendo of Doom in high school."
Marry me.
"Sisu, for example, which I remember mostly from reading the instruction manual for Crescendo of Doom in high school."
Marry me.
I'm thinking another definition of Chutzpah is a committee named Intelligence that has Fineswine on it.
I recall a Finn explaining Sisu more by saying what it was not. Sisu means "guts" sort of, or courage, but not the kind you see on Jackass.
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