I had threatened to buy a cheap, just-for-fun 9mm blaster at the show, and I followed through on that threat. I briefly considered a LNIB VP70Z, but the trigger on those things is like a mini
Captains of Crush
for your index finger, which sorta ruins the "just-for-fun" part. Another runner up was a well-worn Beretta 92 Compact with factory nights, which is a pretty sexy pistol, but this one's $459 price-tag didn't match its dragged behind a truck appearance.
For roughly the same money, you could get one of these brand new, also with factory night sights:
Haven't owned a SIG since I parted ways with my last 228 in '05 or so. I like the new grip on the revised SP2022; the old one was apparently made for people who had joints in different places on their hand than I do. Also, whose idea was it at SIG to include those cheesy Fobus knock-off holsters in the box?
I'm a fan of the Ruger P95/P85 series of 9mm pistols. Not pretty, but workhorses, built toughish, and decent shooters.
Also, can be had for roughly $300 used and, occasionally, new.
I have a soft spot for the Sig Pro guns, they're kinda the red-headed stepchild of the classic Sig P2XX series.
If I could get grown-up magazines for them, and they weren't hen's teeth in "No that isn't safe for you" Massachusetts, I'd own one too!
I suspect much fun will be had.
Plus Two-tone SIGs are kinda the black-tie gun, but with the polymer frame, its kind of a tuxedo t-shirt too!
Can somebody explain me why Glock won't sell me a gun with factory night sights? Or S&W won't sell me a revolver with them? I honest to God looked at every revolver on Smith's site, my wallet trembling eagerly in my hand, and nope. I don't get it. Am I retarded? I want a new house gun. I can't seem to use the Force for some reason, so I want sights I can see. Apparently I'm the only one with that requirement. Everybody else on Earth carries a revolver because he can easily use stubby little flat black sights in poor light while he's sh*tting his britches[1]. Well I guess your rabbits foot and the ancient Trojan in your wallet work equally well in any conditions, why shouldn't your gun... "That gun hasn't malfunctioned in my sock drawer in 30 years, or at least i think that's where I left it. That spells trust!"
[1] The LCR is a 5 round snubbie, not ideal for a bedside gun.
Glock has the option of factory Meps. Some select few Smith wheelguns, such as the Pro Series Model 60 and the M&P 340, come with factory nights.
"Also, whose idea was it at SIG to include those cheesy Fobus knock-off holsters in the box?"
Allen's. That was definitely Allen's idea.
Nice, looking forward to the range report!
I coonfingered a P227 today. Whatever they did to the grip made it feel better than any 220 or 226 I've ever held.
I have the SP2022. Great gun. Eats anything I put into the magazine and shoots better than I do.
Ooohhh, if they're still making gen 3s that way, I know what my next gun is. I guess they gave you a blog 'cause you're not dumb like I am. Thanks!
The Sphinx was an oracle saying, "Sig me baby!"
Well it might appear to be a "just for the hell of it" gun but it also has a good bit of after market accessories and such.
But, but...VP70Z! Even if it has a trigger only Mongo could love (Blazing Saddles, not the commenter above), you'd still have one of the bad-asstest hipster guns around. The cool points alone would be awesome.
Nice. If I'd see one of those at that price I'd probably bring it home too.
The SP2022 has a great rep.
My 2022 didn't come with a holster...
I still keep it around, in case something M&P. My only complaint is the slide release location. My 1911 trained brain makes my thumb ride it and causes it to not lock open on empty. Otherwise I had no complaints.
What Beaumont said!
Plus you said "cheap". Up here if you can find one for sale it will be well over a grand! I want one to go along with my Steyr GB.
I've got a few of those El Cheapo SIGTac holsters, and they aren't that bad. I certainly prefer them over a Fobus. They are good enough for trekking around doing woods chores like boundary maintenance or trail work. For the G17 or a P250 midsize, they are just fine for that sort of thing. However, my impression has been that they are too flimsy for a SIG classic or 1911 - the heavier the gun, the less I like that sort of holster.
I would like to hear your feedback on the SIG Pro. I've got several P250s, P226s, and 229s, a 230, 1911 XO and a 220 - and still rue the loss of my old 225 - but I've never had a SIG Pro. Officers I know who have had one have hated them - while accurate & durable, they did not like the ergonomics.
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