Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blog Stuff: Shed a tear...

One of my most beloved tee shirts has the little stick figure guy from the old Volkswagen ads staggering around with a mug in each hand beneath the word "Farfrompukin". Just this morning I noticed it has started to develop holes in it. :(

This is why I have multiple Kalashnikitty tees. :)


breda said...

I am putting in my kalashnikitty order this week!

Anonymous said...


Let me look through the shelves by the depriming/decrimping station. I've got a sticker with that from some Buffett concert.

I can find it, you can have it.

Anonymous said...

I saw some Cafepress shirts with that phrase, but they don't look quite like what you describe, so they must be knock-offs.

Anonymous said...

We do not object to holes in your favorite t-shirts.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

and in the "fahrfrumpukin" vein... Sad news for beer lovers. Michael Jackson has passed away from Parkinsons disease.

I will overindulge in Russin River Damnation IPA and Tupper's Hop Pocket Pils this weekend in his memory.

Anonymous said...

I doubt you would get ANY objections to wearing a holy T-shirt. Maybe you ought to wear it until its a rag and then raffle it off on the blog.

FHB said...

I hate that when it happens.

Anonymous said...

The version I'm used to, via Deadhead sources, reads Fükengruven.

Anonymous said...

The only holes that occasionally find their way into my wife's Kalashnikitty shirts (she's the inventor of the them, btw) are from our . . . yes, you guess it . . . CATS! I think they're jealous.

Thanks for the kind words and orders, people - two weeks to go before ordering is closed.

Oh, and Tamara, thank you for the link. Did you know that I used to live in Knoxville? This is where the idea of the shirt was spawned one night by my wife, having had a few too many, and they are actually still produced in Knoxville by my shirtmaker there - he makes a damn fine quality product, I must say.