Monday, June 08, 2009

Funniest video evar. (At least this week.)

The video that single-handedly justifies the existence of YouTube.


NotClauswitz said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks,Tam! That made my day. By the way, folks frequently mistake me for Tom Selleck..sometimes....once in a while...well, not really-- I made that up. Never mind!
DL in NC, just one of your many readers(for years, though).

Top of the Chain said...

It does Tam, it does!!

Shermlock Shomes said...

One of my guilty pleasures was Magnum P.I. I remember the end of the seventh season they used this song:

And yes, John Denver's stuff is another one of my guilty pleasures.

og said...

How about Hammer Time? I think that also justifies youtube. For a whole different bunch of reasons. H/T dick.

Shermlock Shomes said...

Hammer Time? I thought of this:


and then this.

Anonymous said...

my co-workers thought I was nuts Friday laughing my ass off, calling them all in to my office to see it.

Noah said...

One more on the list of Shows That Don't Exist That I Want To See More Than Almost Anything Else Out There.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

That is definitely teh funny.