The truth is that criminals who make a living threatening injury or death for the contents of a cash register or a wallet won’t be greatly handicapped by any laws that prohibit the carrying of guns. They carry them anyway, but as I’ve pointed out, they’d still tilt the favors in their odds even if the magic gun control fairy could make all the guns go *poof* overnight. Gun control is tossing their intended victims into the ring with them after forcibly disarming them…to make sure the violence doesn’t escalate.
It was tough to pick a money quote, so RTWT.
What do you know . . . they can't distinguish an Italian accent! Movies, is there nothing they cannot teach us?
"Le leggi, che proibiscono di portar le armi, sono leggi di tal natura; esse non disarmano che i non inclinati, nè determinati ai delitti, mentre coloro che hanno il coraggio di poter violare le leggi più sacre della umanità è le più importanti del codice, come rispetteranno le minori, e le puramente arbitrarie?"
Shootin' Buddy
Taterville, Tennessee
As Shootin' Buddy points out, Cesare Beccaria's "Essay on Crimes and Punishments" is but part of this age-old attempt to point out flaws in the argument/discussion on the rights and responsibility of self defense. To my mind, nobody does it better than Beccaria, and it seems folks like Jefferson, Madison, and Adams were of like mind.
Jefferson and Co. had to address the arguments and feelings of folks like the Quakers, among others, when they were addressing the reasons for breaking with the English Crown. Hence the documents like our Declaration.
I suppose I'm gonna have to hie over to Marko's comments section, because his thesis is exactly on the mark, but his first paragraph I believe is not exactly as simple as he states.
Neglected to mention how much I appreciate teh intertubes for research. Not to mention machine translations. 'Nother language it's good to know is that of them Boolean people.
I speak fraktured Plattboolean.
*Brad Pitt eyetalian accent*
Grazie molto.
Shootin' Buddy
Taterville (in a basement)
"I speak fraktured Plattboolean."
Is that the language of Planet Wookie?
Shootin' Buddy
The whole thing's money. Marko has a way...
Proprio come voi, Beccaria manca alcuni punti principali. Non tutti i malviventi sono "determinati ai delitti." E' le leggi che controllano le armi non richiedono le loro complicita'. Se i cittadini onesti seguino le leggi giusti, i criminali sarebbero ostacolati, e' la violenza diminuirebbe.
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