It was, in fact, six degrees fondly Fahrenheit when this photo was snapped. I did not dally on the range; three ten round strings and I was ready to go. If I had three magazines for the gun, I'd have already had them all loaded when I got to the range. As it was, I loaded the S&B and Armscor in the car and then had to fumble ten rounds of 9BPLE into the mag with gloved fingers that were already getting a little numb.
I have some Underarmor glove liners that are dexterous enough to operate a firearm and load mags (thanks, OldNFO!), but they are completely outmatched by single digit temperatures. Meanwhile, I have some gloves that will keep your hands warm in this sort of weather, but they're not dexterous enough to operate a firearm, and they don't play well with the glove liners because of the latter's rubbery traction surfaces on the palm. Dilemma!