Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It all comes down to motives.

We hope that, unlike ground-up bits of tigers, rhinos, gorillas, and Sylvester Stallone, that an increase in... er,... "potency" is not attributed to Yeti toes.

However, in a sane world V1agra would have knocked the black rhino and the Siberian tiger right back off the endangered species list, so I'm not getting my hopes up about the expedition being backed by pure mythozooic curiosity.


Anonymous said...

Is that like nepalese camel toe?

Shut up, og, just shut up.

Anonymous said...

No, but I hear American women wear their jeans too tight. The French women, not so much...

Tam said...

Wait, what?

That rustling noise was my hair as the punch line sailed over my head. :o

Anonymous said...

Read the first entry for today on Neanderpundit.

Tam said...


George Groot said...

Sad note, a lot of those "herbal supplements" are in fact adulterated with Viagra.

Makes them work better you see.

Anonymous said...

"Footprints found in the Himalayas were about 20 centimetres long and looked human"

20 centimetres is only about 8 inches. If that was the yeti, rather than some barefooted monk, the yeti's size has been greatly exaggerated.