Monday, October 20, 2008

Someone needs to be fired...

...and then horsewhipped out into the employee parking lot and left to freeze.

I speak, of course, of the knob who decided to use a godawful looping edit of the chorus of "Saved By Zero", by The Fixx, for that stupid Toyota ad.

Wow! A quick Google search shows that I am not suffering alone. There may even be a support group.


Anonymous said...

I have actually worn out the "mute" button on two TV remote controls. It's been many years since I've heard a commercial.

Try it; you'll like it.

Joe Allen said...

What sucks even more is that they were too cheap to pay for a sync license so The Fixx could make some decent money off the spot. Instead, they hired some studio hacks to recut it and only had to pay performance royalties and production costs.

LMB said...

Heh, that's like a certain political add running here in California for Fran Florez.... "I'm (pause) FRAN FLOREZ and I APPROVE THIS AD. "

Actually, it's more like 2 or 3 commercials in the same style...but one of them will play EVERY SINGLE FLIPPING COMMERCIAL BREAK. ALL DAY EVERY DAY.

I was like "Way to get everyone to vote for Steve Gilmore, you old harpy. "

John B said...

I already called Toyota's 1-800 number. Told them I'd never buy a car from them until they apologized to the entire decade of the 80's for that atrocity...

It's fun being nuts