Friday, November 27, 2009

These dreams go on when I close my eyes...

Apparently if you go to bed with a stomach full of turducken, bacon mushroom gravy, and wine, and you've just finished reading Monster Hunter International, you get some pretty good dreams...

Like the one I had last night where the elk herds that lived in the greenbelts along California's highways were being wiped out, and the government was blaming poachers, but really it was packs of Browning Citori-armed skunk apes that had been boosting shotguns from isolated skeet shooters. They had Danny Glover surrounded in a cabin and it was getting pretty intense, but then the alarm went off, so I never found out what happened.


Carteach said...

Ayup..... add in a little decent bourbon, and the dreams get pretty.... intense. I'm pretty sure I jumped a large piece of farm equipment with my VW Golf last night, but only after provocation.

theirritablearchitect said...

Bacon mushroom gravy will do that to you.

Michael W. said...

Hugo Chavez came by and offered him a ride to Sundance where they took in the latest Sean Penn flick directed by Oliver Stone........

J. Sullivan said...

I'm sure Danny Glover quipped:

"I'm gettin' too old for this sh%&..."

And then Joe Pesci said,"See! See! They F*&k you at the drive-thru! They F*&k you!, They know you'll be two miles away by the time you check your bag. They F*&k you at the drive-thru,"

skipelec said...

Why am I up this early reading your blog?
Some apple pie an' a glass o' milk and I'm gonna go back an' crash.

Brian J. said...

I think that's just how the movie should have ended. The implied demise of Danny Glover left to the audience's imagination, because no matter how much science fiction budget you threw at it, some people wouldn't think it was bloody enough.

Divemedic said...

My last image of Mr Glover is serving as Marky Mark's antagonist.

Will Brown said...

I don't know, Tam, I think that one might have it's origins in the post prandial pipe, methinks.


Drang said...

Mr. Correia is already contracted for several years of sequels. you're gonna have to start your own series...

Ed Foster said...

Back to sleep! don't leave us hanging, find out if Glover and the head skunk ape fall in love. They have so much in common.

og said...

So long as you don't wake everyone in the house screaming "STOP THE ACCORDION MUSIC!" you'll probably be OK.

I can't be the only one that happens to.

NotClauswitz said...

If not for the greenbelt elk herds the Canadian Geese that live on the golf courses would be hit - they moved south and stayed, they don't have to travel anymore.
Everyone knows the skunk-apes shoot from the hip because they have no shoulder things that go up.