Books. Bikes. Boomsticks. “I only regret that I have but one face to palm for my country.”
A crummy commercial
Hey! Now you live in Indiana you could come visit the boyhood home of Jean Shepherd, even visit Warren G Harding School!For a brief time I sat behind the same mike Jean did. Literally, not figuratively. WJOB was a cheap station.
How do you do that? I wanna do that.Mommmmm!!!
At last it was not a comment about novel ways to carry a smith.
Burnt toast:It's easy. Just pass joe random string as a refer in an http transaction.Which Tam can see from this missive that I didn't do that. Cuz I'm using predigested softwarz (Opera, cough)
Install firefox's tamperdata and change the referrer when you browse to the page.
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A crummy commercial
Hey! Now you live in Indiana you could come visit the boyhood home of Jean Shepherd, even visit Warren G Harding School!
For a brief time I sat behind the same mike Jean did.
Literally, not figuratively. WJOB was a cheap station.
How do you do that? I wanna do that.
At last it was not a comment about novel ways to carry a smith.
Burnt toast:
It's easy. Just pass joe random string as a refer in an http transaction.
Which Tam can see from this missive that I didn't do that. Cuz I'm using predigested softwarz (Opera, cough)
Install firefox's tamperdata and change the referrer when you browse to the page.
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